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Revision as of 03:54, 6 November 2020


  • Verdandi was a beautiful young woman of humble origin. She lived in a small village where she worked doing common tasks to help her parents. One day the prince of the kingdom arrived in the village and by one of those things of life, he noticed her. For her it was like a fairy tale. The prince made many promises of love and she believed them all.
  • After some time, during which she was happy, they even planned a marriage that would never happen because he had been promised to a princess from a nearby kingdom to be able to make political ties suitable for the kingdom. He did not seek Verdandi again and soon she found out about, from the messengers who went all over the kingdom carrying the announcement, of the prince's marriage. This news was devastating for her because she had fallen in love sincerely and for the first time. After this blow that life gave her and many tears, she remained as in a trance from which she could never recover.
  • From that moment on, the villagers who saw Verdandi grow up being a beautiful and cheerful young woman, began to call her the tormented soul. Verdandi only wandered without meaning or reason through the village waiting for her prince. But in those days a rumor began to spread that somewhere not far from the village there was a castle where strange things happened and the people who came along the way disappear to never be seen. Verdandi, who no longer believed that her life had any meaning, decided to venture to the vicinity of that castle wishing that, like many others, she could also disappear and thus stop suffering.
  • As Verdandi was approaching the place she began to feel like the skin stood on end and felt as if there was a presence that protected the place. But she did not care because she just wanted to end her tormented existence. She steeled herself and went on her way until she left the area where the vegetation was dense to a clearing where she first saw the imposing castle. The castle had an air of antiquity but also of splendor although she wondered how no one had ever seen it or had never commented on its existence until recently, as if it had appeared out of nowhere. She took one step after another looking around and studying the place but found nothing to stop her. So, she went to the huge doors and just looked at them without knowing what to do and feeling a cold that petrified her and reached her bones despite being in the middle of summer
  • Verdandi did not touch the doors but as if by an unknown power they opened to give way to a dark but ancient and beautiful room. Very slowly, she entered the place and to her surprise she did not see anyone. When she reached the center of the room and stood in front of the huge stairs that gave access to the beautiful balcony that surrounded it, she looked up and there he was. He was a man dressed very elegant but from a bygone era, his age was indeterminable because he seemed very young but had the look of an eternity in his eyes. His skin was very pale, as if the sun had never kissed him. When his eyes met hers, she could not help but look at him intensely.
  • "Come" was the only thing he said, and she could not help but go up the stairs to stand right in front of him where she could not move anymore. She felt like a puppet that could not move unless he determined it by pulling the strings. She could not say a word just look him straight in the eyes and she knew that whatever he said or ordered her she would do without hesitation. With a gesture of his hand he indicated where to go and so they entered a huge dining room where there was an impressive table with chairs for a lot of people, but she wondered why he wanted to have all that if there was nobody in the castle but him. He walked to the chair that led the table and told her to take the one that was right next to his and she, without thinking, sat down. He sat down and without saying anything he took a bottle of wine and poured two glasses and gave one to her, which she took and looked at him waiting for him to give her permission to drink. He drank a sip from his glass and with a smile said "Drink." She had never drunk wine, but that seemed the sweetest drink she had ever tasted in her life and she felt she could continue drinking until the bottle was finished.
  • They finished drinking the wine and he extended his hand and taking hers went again to the great room where inexplicably beautiful music began to play that seemed to be emitted by the walls of the castle. He held her by the hand and waist and they started dancing. It was strange for her to dance since she had never done it but in his hands, she did it with an indescribable grace. After a while dancing, he stopped and looked into her eyes with a penetrating look that paralyzed her, but she did not care. She knew that she should be afraid of what was happening to her, but she could not feel more than an intense desire to do what he asked of her. Very slowly he pulled his face closer and closer to hers until their lips brushed and she felt his sweet breath and feared she would faint in his arms, but he kissed her, first slow and soft but then more intensely until her body, that did not know the human passions, wished with intensity to belong to him.
  • Not knowing what he was doing or how to react, she felt her head slowly moving, leaving the tender skin of her neck vulnerable and he brought his lips to it, continuing his hot kisses. It was then that she felt how his sharp fangs penetrated her neck, delicately tearing her skin and penetrating until reaching her blood flow. She placed her arms on his shoulders, but not to push him away, but to keep him from stopping. She wanted it. He drank from her until she no longer sustained losing with her blood also her strength, but he held her in his strong arms and when he was satisfied, he took her in his arms and carried her. He carried her to a large, beautiful room and placed her delicately on a bed that looked like a princess'. While lying there without being able to move, he sat next to her and stripped his forearm. With one of his sharp nails he made a small wound on his wrist and when his blood started to flow, he approached her mouth and said "Drink from my blood and you will accompany me for eternity"
  • She does not remember much of her past or does not want to remember it because she feels that she was actually born the day he transformed her.
  • Once Verdandi becomes a part of the Progeny Community, Verdandi takes advantage of her knowledge of the English and Spanish languages and offers to help in the Scribes Guild as a Linguist. She becomes involved in the work of the Guild and becomes Journeyman and later Master Scribe.
  • Within her Necropolis Clan, she is also involved in the work of the scribe but she gains the trust of the leaders of the same until they turn her into a clan Proxy.
  • In her Clan, she also acquires her own house, Blood of Gangrel, thus becoming Princeps.
  • She offers her help as a linguist to Parthenia Diabolic to help with the production of Progeny's Magazine. Diabolic Parthenia makes her part of the team and finally decides to turn her into Infernal.