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Clan ♔ Quod Sanguis Daeva ♔
Daeva Square.png
Sovereign: Ɗąяᶅḭɳɠȶȏɳ Ŕαρђαεլ Ƈąяσlιŋą ღ (Darlington Carolina)
Sovereign: Not named
Ambassador: TBA
Proxy: Lane Carolina Philbin Ashley

Daeva is a clan of Vampires known for being emotional, sensual and desirable. Sexual predators and sensual hedonists alike populate the ranks of theses succubi-seducers. Among Kindred historians, the Daeva are suspected of being one of the oldest clans of the Damned. Their moniker suggests a Persian mythological origin, and their abilities suggest that they could be related to the demons from which they take their name. A few ancient writings suggest that the progenitor of the line was a Kindred known as Aesma Daeva, but Vampiric scholars debate whether this individual was actually undead or the writings draw comparisons to the Persian demon of lust and anger. The name "Daeva" predates the commonly accepted origin point of Kindred society, generally understood to parallel the ascension of Rome. Certainly, some incarnation of the Daeva existed before then, but whether they had their own society or were merely a rabble of lust-crazed revenants is unknown. After the rise of Rome, the Daeva had become an inextricable part of Kindred society, and vampiric history shows that they were very active in the Camarilla, the first known social contract of the undead.

The Daeva evoke the image of vampires as seductive, decadent, sexually transgressive predators who blur lust and hunger together, equating the act of feeding with sensual pleasure. Unrivaled in their grace and passion, the Daeva attract worship and jealousy from Kine and Kindred alike, but their insatiable hunger for pleasure and sensations old and new, and the inevitable frustration of wanting to experience human emotions make a quick road towards personality disintegration and surrender to the beast.

Daeva are inherently gifted in the vampiric Disciplines of Celerity (superhuman speed), Vigor (superhuman strength), and Majesty (the ability to attract, sway, and control the emotions of others). Their clan weakness is an extreme difficulty in resisting indulging in their vices. A Daeva who has an opportunity to indulge his favorite vice and fails to do so finds his resolve weakened. Of course, indulging Vice carries its own drawbacks.

The Great Houses of ♔ Quod Sanguis Daeva ♔

House ♔ 𝔇esert ℜose ♔
Logo - ♔ 𝔇esert ℜose ♔
Princeps: Ϯ ℤēɨηȧ ƑƦȧηɨℤℤɨ Ϯ (Zeina Bloodrose)
Delegate: Kαtε Ƒɾαηιžžι (Katlyne75 Resident)
Liaison: Sol Wildrose

The house of Desert Rose has risen from the desert, and as a desert rose, it will grow in glory and become strong. It will brave storms and blossom in the darkness and every being is welcome to enter and to stay.

As an Arabian prince's daughter, Zeina came from the Orient to the gloomy land of her legal guardian Lord Kain. He is an evil man, a fighter, a murderer, and loves only his weapons and the wars he wages. Zeina's biological father died of an incurable, fatal disease. Lord Kain and Zeina's father had made a pact many years ago and so after her father's death, she had to travel to the cold, dark land of her legal guardian to live with him. She hated him, she hated the land and she showed Lord Kain that. But he was so evil for a reason. He was a child of the night, a vampire who wanted to make Zeina his equal and did. As a vampire, she met many creatures of the night, and through bites from some creatures, she turned into a shapeshifter with vampiric fangs thirsty for the blood of the living and able to adapt and kill in any form to satisfy the hunger. Kain has not been a legal guardian for a long time and many vampires crossed Zeina's paths. An Archvampire took her as her daughter and a diabolical being took her as a wife. Through the love of the Archvampire and the diabolical being Zeina built her house *Desert Rose* and her children moved in and it will grow, prosper, become strong and whoever knocks the door will be opened. We grow and no one can stop it! Smiles ...

Das Haus der Wüstenrose ist aus der Wüste aufgestiegen, und wie eine Wüstenrose wird es in voller Pracht wachsen und stark werden. Es wird Stürmen trotzen und in der Dunkelheit erblühen, und jedes Wesen ist willkommen, einzutreten und zu bleiben.

Als Tochter eines arabischen Prinzen kam Zeina aus dem Orient in das düstere Land ihres gesetzlichen Vormunds Lord Kain. Er ist ein böser Mann, ein Kämpfer, ein Mörder und er liebt nur seine Waffen und die Kriege, die er führt. Zeina's leiblicher Vater starb an einer unheilbaren, tödlichen Krankheit. Lord Kain und Zeina's Vater hatten vor vielen Jahren einen Pakt geschlossen, und so musste sie nach dem Tod ihres Vaters in das kalte, dunkle Land ihres gesetzlichen Vormunds reisen, um bei ihm zu leben. Sie hasste ihn, sie hasste das Land und sie zeigte Lord Kain das. Aber er war nicht ohne Grund so böse. Er war ein Kind der Nacht, ein Vampir, der Zeina zu seinem Ebenbild machen wollte und es auch tat. Als Vampir begegnete sie vielen Kreaturen der Nacht, und durch die Bisse einiger Kreaturen verwandelte sie sich in eine Gestaltwandlerin mit vampirischen Reißzähnen, die nach dem Blut der Lebenden dürstete und in der Lage war, sich anzupassen und in jeder Form zu töten, um ihren Hunger zu stillen. Kain ist schon lange kein gesetzlicher Vormund mehr und viele Vampire kreuzten Zeina's Wege. Eine Erzvampirin nahm sie als ihre Tochter auf und ein diabolishes Wesen nahm sie zur Frau. Durch die Liebe des Erzvampirs und des diabolischen Wesens baute Zeina ihr Haus *Desert Rose* und ihre Kinder zogen ein und es wird wachsen, gedeihen, stark werden und wer auch immer an die Tür klopft, dem wird geöffnet. Wir wachsen und niemand kann es aufhalten! Lächelt ...