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Sovereign: ƧƛMƛƝƬӇƛ ƊƖ MƠƦƁƖƲƧ (sam77.chieng)
Co-Sovereign: Not Assigned
Ambassador: ÐJ ÐUSŦ ȘiηčlǟɨR ᴅ'ɪᴍᴘᴇʀɪᴀᴛᴏ (mrleiva)
Proxy: Not Assigned
History: Clan: ƓƐƝƐSIS se fundó en 2018-01-21 por Ɲυяcα Ɗι Mσявιυѕ (nurca.eiren),

actualmente su legitima Soberana se encuentra en retiro espiritual. Su hija ƧƛMƛƝƬӇƛ ƊƖ MƠƦƁƖƲƧ (sam77.chieng) esta al frente de liderazgo del clan, desempeñando el papel de Soberana, en espera que su madre se alce de su ataud y vuelva ocupar su lugar de Lider.

Clan Genesis. Sovereigns ƧƛMƛƝƬӇƛ ƊƖ MƠƦƁƖƲƧ (sam77.chieng) Continue to Rule Clan Genesis in the spirit of family and progress that our founder and original Sovereign Ɲυяcα Ɗι Mσявιυѕ (nurca.eiren) Founded Clan Genesis on. We stand for our family our Clan and our Bloodline. We have no claims to magics or grandeur. Our history is one of attempting to bring balance to turmoil. An evolution of learning and a process of constant change. Our lives are dedicated to keeping the scales from tipping to far too either side. A form of Chaotic Neutrality. As time passes we return to our roots and strive for peace in a never ending malestrom of Chaos.

Clan Génesis. Soberanos ƧƛMƛƝƬӇƛ ƊƖ MƠƦƁƖƲƧ (sam77.chieng) Continua gobernando el Clan Génesis con el espíritu de familia y progreso que nuestra fundadora y Soberana original Ɲυяcα Ɗι Mσявιυѕ (nurca.elan Genesis) quien fundó el Clan Génesis en. Defendemos a nuestra familia, nuestro Clan y nuestra Linea de Sangre. No tenemos pretensiones de magia o grandeza. Nuestra historia trata de equilibrar la confusión. Una evolución de aprendizaje y un proceso de cambio constante. Nuestras vidas están dedicadas a evitar que la balanza se incline demasiado en ambos sentidos. Una forma de neutralidad caótica. A medida que pasa el tiempo, volvemos a nuestras raíces y luchamos por la paz en una marea interminable de Caos.

Greater Houses of Clan Genesis


Princeps: Ɲυяcα Ɗι Mσявιυѕ (nurca.eiren)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: TBA


Princeps: ƧƛMƛƝƬӇƛ ƊƖ MƠƦƁƖƲƧ (sam77.chieng)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: TBA

NoCtUrNuS CriaTuRaE

NoCtUrNuS CriaTuRaE
Nocturnus craturae.png
Princeps: mrleiva
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: This vampire house begins when mr leiva (dj dust), a musician, dj and eccentric graphic designer is turned into a vampire, and invokes a ritual and asks the help of Cain (source of all vampires) to get rid of the jealous control exercised a creature of unknown origin. Since Dust was turned into a nocturnal creature this strange presence has become a threat to the beings close to him and it is when Cain listens to his request.

So Cain, intrigued to know a little more about this man, asks Dust to tell the story of his life. He recounts his childhood in a very peculiar family and describes his mortal days as a fanatic of art, music, the obscurity in which he grew up and now resides. He also tells that since childhood, he has had the ability to see spirits, and talk with them, that the first relationship he had with human beings, was with a ghost and how he met the Order of the toreadors , from whom he learned to Use seduction as one of your most lethal weapons to find your victims and how you became a vampire. He also explains to Cain that since he was a child, a spirit accompanies him and guides him. This has been his partner in many situations. But, since dust became a blood seeker, this strange presence has also acquired the ability and desire to drink blood so every time dust is fed, presence takes over and sucks the blood that has ingested and for that reason the payment that he wants to make is that he continues to convert and train new vampires and since dust has a hectic and adventurous nightlife, he has taken him to travel the world and know different cultures, countries, languages and possible followers. So for all that mix he decided to call his vampiric house

Bloody Fangs of Lust

Bloody Fangs of Lust
Princeps: 亗ϯ ĎĴ PĹĂŜŤĨҚ ȘiηčlǟɨR ϯ亗 (mrlustcorbin)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: Se dice que en el siglo XII, un noble paranoico y celoso vivía en el ala sur del castillo de Corbin. Convencido de que su esposa lo estaba engañando, aunque sin evidencia objetiva para justificar sus sospechas,

Una noche, decidió salir por la ventana de la gran sala matrimonial y arrastrarse por los peligrosos puntos de venta de la torre con la intención de sorprender a su esposa en medio de una reunión ilícita.

La verdad es que nuestro noble resbaló y cayó de la torre, con el serio inconveniente de no morir de inmediato. Pasó varias horas tendido en el pasto con el cuerpo roto, destrozado, incapaz de emitir el más mínimo grito de ayuda. En una atroz agonía, esperó el amanecer y gritó a la oscuridad de la noche.

Finalmente llegó la ayuda, aunque demasiado tarde. Era una mujer hermosa que apareció de la nada y le preguntó si quería vivir para siempre, el noble señor lust y medio muerto afirmo con su cabeza, fue en ese momento cuando esta hermosa mujer se despojó de su ropa, y se acuesta encima del noble lust, es cuando ella procede a morderle el cuello quitandole tola la sangre de su palido cuerpo, luego del última gota de sangre que le subciono esta sensual mujer, se cortó el costado de uno de sus pechos y le pidió a el que bebiera la sangre que caia por su palido seno.

el al sentir el placer y la lujuria de ese acto erótico y, a su vez, morbido, comenzó a tener relaciones sexuales de la manera más salvaje y viceral después de terminar su relación sexual, le juró lealtad a su dama pálida llena de oscuridad. ella solo le pidió que fuera el líder de su legión de vampiros, y que su sello sería el siguiente, primero les darían placer y luego las morderia. para darte vida eterna

Sr. Lust, acentúa la cabeza y dice que te veneraré y en honor a este extraño pero emocionante acto en el que me diste la vida eterna. Llamaré a mi casa "los sangrientos colmillos de la lujuria"

Tras varios días de desconcierto, en el que aparecieron doncellas desnudas y todas las víctimas, además de los síntomas habituales, mostraron una curiosa marca en el cuello.


It is said that in the 12th century, a paranoid and jealous nobleman lived in the south wing of the castle of Corbin. Convinced that his wife was cheating him, although without objective evidence to justify his suspicions,

One night, he decided to leave through the window of the great matrimonial room and crawl through the dangerous outlets of the tower with the intention of surprising his wife in the middle of an illicit meeting.

The truth is that our noble slipped and fell from the tower, with the serious inconvenience of not dying immediately. He spent several hours lying on the grass with his body broken, shattered, unable to utter the slightest cry of help. In an atrocious agony, he waited for the dawn and shouted into the darkness of the night.

Finally the help arrived, although too late. She was a beautiful woman who appeared out of nowhere and asked him if he wanted to live forever, the noble lust and half dead man affirmed with his head, it was at that moment when this beautiful woman shed her clothes, and lay down on the noble lust, it is when she proceeds to bite his neck by removing the blood from his pale body, after the last drop of blood that this sensual woman raised, cut the side of one of her breasts and asked him to drink the blood that fell through his pale bosom.

When he felt the pleasure and lust of that erotic act and, in turn, morbidly, began to have sexual relations in the most savage and viceral way after ending their sexual relationship, he swore allegiance to his pale lady full of darkness. she only asked him to be the leader of his legion of vampires, and that his seal would be the next, first they would give them pleasure and then bite them. to give you eternal life

Mr. Lust, emphasize your head and say that I will venerate you and honor this strange but exciting act in which you gave me eternal life. I will call my house "bloody fangs of lust"

After several days of bewilderment, in which naked maidens appeared and all the victims, in addition to the usual symptoms, showed a curious mark on the neck.

Bloody Desire

Bloody Desire
Bloody Desire.jpg
Princeps: ღ ʀʊȶȶɛ ȘiηčlǟɨR ღ (rutte78)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: La leyenda dice que en una apartada ciudad de Londres, en 1900, vivía una exitosa mujer de negocios llamada Rutte sinclair, que manejaba todo el monopolio de las fragancias en ese lugar.

Un día un extraño caballero se acerca a ella para preguntarle sobre una de sus famosas fragancias llamada "Deseo", este extraño personaje le causó mucha curiosidad hasta el punto de que ella misma se acercó a él para probar el producto en sí misma. Su voz tenue pero sensual, y su fragancia captura el interés de él. Intentó engañarla fingiendo un trato comercial sobre la fragancia y con un acento muy peculiar le susurra al oído que quiere verla en privado y que debe llevar la fragancia a una dirección específica, era desconfiada pero con mucha curiosidad, acepta la propuesta que le ofreció el apuesto caballero. A la medianoche llegó como lo había indicado el extraño personaje, apareció allí vestida como una bella e irresistible dama. De repente, sus sentidos estaban totalmente desorientados y sintió a alguien detrás de ella, al darse la vuelta notó la presencia de una sombra, caminó hacia el lugar y solo sintió un frío intenso detrás de ella y una fuerte pero aguda presión sobre su cuello hasta que se desmayó, cuando estaba despertando escuchó al caballero decir "Quiero hacerte mía por toda la eternidad". Cuando finalmente abrió los ojos, estaba tan confundida y asustada porque podía ver la boca de ese hombre cubierta de sangre ... SU SANGRE. Pensó que estaba a punto de morir, pero no sintió ningún dolor y eso la hizo sentir poderosa y hermosa. Él le susurró: "No tengas miedo, cariño, te di vida eterna y reinarás conmigo en las noches oscuras" ... sentía que estaba destinada a estar a su lado. Tenía un solo deseo y dijo con una sonrisa en su rostro ... Quiero llamarla Bloody Desire y usaré ese nombre para honrar la fragancia que nos unió para siempre.

Legend has it that in a secluded city of London in 1900 lived a successful businesswoman called Rutte Sinclair, she handled the entire monopoly of fragrances in that place. One day a strange gentleman approaches her in order to inquire about one of her famous fragrances called “Desire” this strange character caused her a lot of curiosity to the point that she herself approached him to prove the product in herself. Her voice dim but sensual, and her fragrance captures the interest of him. He tried to deceive her by faking a business deal about the fragrance and with a very peculiar accent he whispers to her ear that he wants to see her privately and that she should bring the fragrance to a specific address, she was distrustful but with a lot of curiosity she accepts the proposal that the handsome gentleman offered. At midnight she arrived as the strange character had indicated, she appeared there dressed as a beautiful and irresistible lady. All of the sudden her senses were totally disoriented and she felt someone behind her, as she turned around she noticed the presence of a shadow, she walked toward the place and she only felt an intense cold behind her and a strong but sharp pressure on her neck until she passed out, when she was waking up she heard the gentleman say "I want to make you mine for all eternity". When she finally opened her eyes she was so confused and scared because she could see that man’s mouth covered in blood… HER BLOOD. She thought she was about to die but she didn’t feel any pain and that made her feel powerful and beautiful. He whispered to her “Don’t be afraid my darling, I gave you eternal life and you will reign with me in the dark nights”… she felt like she was meant to be by his side all along and she had one single wish and said with a smile on her face… I want to call it Bloody Desire and I will use that name to honor the fragrance that united us forever.

Evilest Son's of Nosferatu

Evilest Son's of Nosferatu
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: ๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜۜ͜ζ͜͡ Ŵɨllıαɱ Stяαυѕѕ™ (william.mananguinne)
Delegate: ϯ亗 ҲαmαЯïα RανєηS-Stяαυѕѕ 亗ϯ (xamaria)
Liaison: Ɓєвσ Aℓιcєα Aяzυαgα (Condhor)
History: TBA