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  • The Church-Ponteveccio bloodline brings together players from across the world who share a love of vampire lore and role play.
  • Within its broad array of houses and clans, many different approaches to vampire life have evolved. Some are oriented toward public service in the Scribes’ guild, councils, role play and the creative arts; some find fulfillment in the enjoyment of family and social fellowship; some develop their leadership skills; and some wish to fight with others who enjoy competition. The C-P bloodline prides itself on respecting and providing mentorship for work in all these different avenues of development.
  • If there were any motto that would encapsulate the C-P bloodline, it would be “strength through diversity.” Once you join the ranks of the undead, your loyalty ceases to be that of language, ethnicity, culture, nation; those things are for humans. As vampires we cleave only to others who, like ourselves, crave blood and love the darkness.
Clan of Blood Myst
00a blood myst logo 2.png
Sovereign: Lady Annika Eve Franizzi Braveheart
Co-Sovereign: Not Assigned
Ambassador: Not Assigned
Proxy: Not Assigned
History: On January 21st in the year of our Source, 2013, a House by the name of Blood Myst was founded by a vampire named Michael Gann. in the bloodline known as Dark Retribution, led by Arch Regent Rade Plasma in the absence of Arch Dhark Nymphea. Michael Gann disappeared from Progeny for a period of time, and in his absence, the Lord Domino Franizzi acquired House Blood Myst and over the course of the ensuing years, moved it to the bloodline of Societas Draconistrarium. At the end of the year 2016, Lord Domino became Arch of the Societas Draconistrarium bloodline and in doing so his daughter, Lady Annika inherited and became the Princeps of the House of Blood Myst. Then in late 2017, Ambassador Mel, the Dark Matriarch became the Sovereign of the Clan under Arch Resa, when Arch Domino became Diabolic Domino and Lady Kat became Cambion Kat. When Arch Domino later ascended to become a Diabolic and no longer ruled SD, the house of Blood Myst traveled with the Clan of Blood Myst, in February 2018, to a new home under Arch Raine Mapholisto of Aumentare di Eternita. In 2019 Lady Annika became the Sovereign of Clan Blood Myst while retaining her position of Princeps for House Blood Myst. Under Lady Annika's direction, Clan Blood Myst and its houses moved to the Church-Ponteveccio Bloodline and remains there to this date.
Cultum Lamia Varacolaci
Sovereign: Ðąƴąŋŋą vąŗąçǫɭąçɨ Pöɳʈεʋεččɨö (dianita31)
Co-Sovereign: Ƶισ λrαlɗι ɗει Ƭεschι Ȼ.Ᵽ. (ziopo)
Ambassador: Not Assigned
Proxy: Lᴇʏʟᴀ Mᴏʙᴀʀɪᴄʜ C.P (najjatassen)
History: En cuanto entre a la sala de aquel viejo castillo de Rumania, vi una criatura morena de hermosos ojos negros, sentada en una silla al lado de los sillones del salón de reuniones. Su mirada penetrante parecía descubrir todos tus secretos, su ondulada figura parecía esculpida por los dioses y su hermosa cabellera negra le caia como una cascada sobre su estilizada figura.

Rodee la mesita de centro para ubicarme del lado contrario y quedar opuesto a ella. La observe varias veces, discretamente durante la reunión, y al finalizar dude en acercarme... pero fue ella quien me hablo. Me sedujo con su bella sonrisa y me condujo a una vieja oficina llena de viejos y antiguos libros, un gran escritorio de fina madera y exquisito acabado y una hermosa licorera de cristal. La habitación estaba iluminada solamente con unos pesados candelabros de bronce. Ella se sentó detrás del majestuoso escritorio y yo frente de ella, en una silla que hacia juego con el mueble. Mientras servía un par de tragos, sin dejar de mirarme fijamente, comenzó a relatarme su historia:

-: Mi nombre es Ðąƴąŋŋą Vąŗąçǫɭąçɨ Pöɳʈεʋεččɨö, nací en Polonia durante la ocupación alemana el 1 de mayo de 1576, y fui la única mujer de 4 hermanos. Por las consecuencias de la guerra, me vi obligada a salir de casa en busca alimento y una mejor forma de vida. -: Esta búsqueda me llevo a las garras de un antiguo ser, que me convirtió a la fuerza, en la criatura que ahora soy. Este individuo era alto, pálido, de larga cabellera blanca y profundos ojos obscuros. Se me acercó y me dio el abrazo. ¿ Qué es el abrazo ?- me preguntó con un pequeño guiño y entrecerrando sus ojos con picardia.

-: No lo sé Lady. Dígame usted, para eso estoy aquí.

La bella criatura se quedo mirándome mientras batía suavemente una copa de vino tinto muy espeso. Acomodó su codo en el fino escritorio y dandole un pequeño sorbo a la copa, pude notar en su rostro el placer que le producía el sabor de la bebida.

-: Como le contaba, mi humanidad fue arrebatada sin mi consentimiento, sin poderme oponerme, ni luchar. No tuve las fuerzas necesarias para salvar mi mortalidad... Tenia 20 años cuando fui  arrastrada a este mundo de oscuridad y tinieblas eternas. "El Sabbat será tu escuela y yo soy tu sire", fue lo que me susurro al oido, momentos antes de ser drenada.

Desde ese entonces, cada tarde cuando el sol pierde su esplendor, salgo a cazar con todas mis criaturas -he logrado a lo largo de estos años abrazar una gran cantidad de humanos convirtiéndolos en potentes bestias asesinas-. Nos ocultamos de los humanos y nos mezclamos entre ustedes, pasando desapercibidos y manteniendo protegida la mascarada...aunque no por gusto. Ya sabe, la política no puede faltar ni en el mundo de los No-Muertos. Según algunos, mantener la mascarada permite mantener un "orden" y no terminar por extinguir la raza humana...idea que claramente no comparto. Somos conquistadores. A decir verdad, me propuse dominar ciudades enteras, y así... tras arduas guerras junto a mis fieles vástagos y seguidores, lo conseguimos. Somos también, vampiros del nuevo mundo: no discriminamos y somos prácticos. Muchos de nuestros vástagos son poco más que tropas de choque, abrazados y transformados hasta los limites de su constitución para que puedan deleitarse en el derramamiento de sangre causando un temor reverencial.

Así, la dama continuó con su relato...

-: Paso el tiempo, y llego un año de fuego. Durante un breve periodo de julio en 1999, una estrella roja brillo en el cielo marcando grandes cambios, en lo que luego sería conocido como la semana de las pesadillas: Según los rumores que se extendieron rápidamente entre los miembros del Sabbat, un antideluviano había despertado en Bangladesh. Nos preparamos para la gran batalla, abrazamos humanos en grandes volúmenes y marchamos a la Guerra. Tres días y tres noches duró el enfrentamiento y finalmente triunfamos. Nuestro valor, inteligencia y ferocidad en el campo de batalla nos hizo merecedores de nuestro Reino, el Clan Cultum Lamia Varacolaci.

Calló unos breves segundos apoyando la copa en el escritorio.

-: Somos un clan relativamente joven, con chiquillos sedientos de sangre, pero mantenemos una férrea conducta, educación y respeto. Nuestra secta es cruel, fuerte y temible. Somos famosos por la maldad que nos caracteriza, y por la fidelidad a nuestra Linea y Antiguo.

Suspirando se levanto de su asiento.

-:Se acerca el amanecer. Iré a mis aposentos a descansar. Usted puede quedarse, si así lo desea. Quizás sea de su agrado ser uno de los nuestros, de seguro podría llegar a ser un buen neonato –

Esas fueron las palabras de la bella vampiresa, mientras rosaba con sus largas uñas, mi blazer de fino paño color gris.

Es lo ultimo que puedo recordar como un simple mortal . Esa noche al igual que a la bella vampireza fue arrebatada mi humanidad y ahora soy un No-Muerto , Soy uno más en la larga lista de vampiros Varacolaci siempre fiel y leal a las tradiciones y a mi Clan .

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Sovereign: IяαƖмα Ƈυ'Sαιтн Ƈяєαg (iralmac)
Sovereign: TBA
Ambassador: Yamirth Cu'saith Pávlova (yamirt)
Proxy: TBA
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Heirsof Blood.png
Clan Heirs of Blood
Sovereign: ĄἷєjᾄηÐѓА ℜαѕѕir ϯ (alejandra.rassir)
Sovereign: MIKE (mike.hexem)
Ambassador: SakabariNiはra ℜαѕѕirPöɳʈεʋεččɨö (sakabari)
Proxy: Verðandi ς Pöɳʈεʋεččɨö ℜαѕѕir (verdandii.mercury)
History: They had us in their sights. We were persecuted to destroy our lineage. We had strength and courage, but we lost to the tireless amount that watched and attacked us. We were slandered and accused of disloyalty. We lost part of our offspring and felt the uprooting and exile. We cried inward, clenching our fists and hitting walls for leaving everything. We had to decide if we wanted to disappear or take care of our blood until it became strong and thus try to resurface. We left everything, positions, power, surnames. Everything was removed. We were supported by the Necropolis Clan who took care of us creating a fortress impossible to cross. The horde of warrior vampires, haughty, powerful, under the command of Luciano Del Ponteveccio, who watched over our blood banks and rest. Recovering the life that is not life, the desire to wander through the dark nights and the strength, we drank from our vital source, savoring with pleasure, licking every last drop and with the passing of the months we exist, looking up, waking up from our coffins, looking for each other by the instinct of our blood. The call of the blood made us numerous and we restarted everything, learning from the errors. The leader, Alejandra Rassir, takes the hand of Necropolis strongly until she can stand, gets up from her coffin guarded by her subjects, raises her gaze and drinks her own tears of blood. In those tears she swallows its history sealing the past to never look back, but without forgetting each name of offsprings that were left on the way or their enemies. Taking the hand of Luciano Del Ponteveccio who propels her with all his might, releasing her one night in late October from absolute darkness, returning to the road, starting the Clan Heirs Of Blood. Letting out her demons and anger, together with hers, they write a new story, sharing discipline and balance with the clans of the Bloodline Church Ponteveccio. We have understood that only one who carries our Blood and strength is enough to start over, so that this story, Ours, continues to be written.

Clan Role: Blood Line Defense Church Ponteveccio, Brother Clan Necropolis, enemy reconnaissance and combat, formation of houses and leaders, protocol, events, RP, governed under CoH, GCSC rules

Clan Necropolis (Renegade)
Sovereign: ĿЦĈĪÂИØ ςhurςh ɗεɭ Pöɳʈεʋεččɨö (chano29)
Co-Sovereign: Ƒєłi ÐαякƑiяє Poɳtεʋεccio (felicityoracle)
Ambassador: ϯ Wιcкεd Ðεмσи Pöɳʈεʋεččɨö ϯ (jackwicked)
Proxy: Shiηi Ⱥɀʊяą ĐιҩѴƖơ Pöɳʈεʋεččɨö (shinigamiazura) & Ŕσхíє Śíլaναѕí-ÐαякƑiяє (roxie2288) Proxy: (In Memoriam)
History: The night fell slowly and the prevailing moon rose on the horizon, while a small crowd gathered around the bonfire, to hear a mysterious man who had come to the village ... all were astonished by his clothes and his pale appearance, reasons why, curiosity about what he would say increased and disturbed the villagers to a large extent. "Pay close attention to the following story," he began, with a low voice that shook their skin, "open your ears wide, for what what you have to listen to may even be beyond your comprehension; nevertheless I assure you that every word that will come out of my mouth, will have such a degree of truth, that it could be even deadly for your reason - after a slight pause, while studying the incredulous, undaunted and curious faces that were piled around. he started a wonderful and intriguing narrative - there is something beyond the horizon, a land in which the dead or rather the "undead" are closer to you than you would wish ... .. beyond life, there is an intelligible state between life and death, a sacred gift that only those who truly deserve it can own! but that gift granted can be both a blessing and a curse, which is why only a few possess it.

You will think that perhaps my reason has failed to utter these words, but I assure you that everything is true because I have traveled to the ends of the earth, crossing the untamed sea through some paths of doom to see, hear and above all experience at my own risk, unimaginable adventures The crowd around him had increased even more ... men, women and children, had left aside their ordinary routines to sit and listen carefully to the story of that character, who shook, intrigued and generated such fascination, that it was inevitable to want to listen every word he should say. While the mysterious character watched them closely, cleared his throat and resumed the story without pause- As everyone will have heard, in ancient times where there were magical creatures who traveled the earth as: the unicorns, the fairies, and the elves of the forests; all endowed with unparalleled grace and great special power. However, although undoubtedly they were surprising and wonderful, this story goes beyond describing such beings, since, also existed creatures even more powerful, and extraordinary that hid behind the darkness: demons, lycans, dragons and vampires . Thus maintaining the balance between good and evil in a constant struggle since no one has said that everything in the world must be perfect. Since before humanity had a notion of the existence of vampires, they already ruled over all beings, although some resisted but did not take long to fall under their dominions. At first, they used to say that they were just a couple of humans or how they call you "cattle" - mumbled through the teeth showing a half smile on well-delineated lips which made some spectators sigh - but ... they left reproducing like cockroaches without any control taking possession of the land and eradicating millenarian creatures, since they did not understand their existence, humanity went from being a society of hunters and gatherers to develop according to them in the cultural, artistic, they learned to develop the farms of animals and agriculture. They came together en masse to take entire cities by force, burning among themselves in the fires, accusing themselves of witchcraft, destroying the forests destroying them, causing the elves and lycantropes to roam among meadows, sewers and forgotten cemeteries trying to find a place where they could hide. The age of man began and they were taking control of the whole earth Look, a shadow of horror has risen in eternity! Unknown, sterile, self-absorbed, repulsive: What the devil has created this abominable void, this nothing that shakes the souls? - William Blake, The Book of Urizen Many large families of vampires died, while another stayed to fight against humans yet suffered greatly; some of them were left to their fate becoming pariahs or marginalized in turn a few succumbed to eternal lethargy and were never seen again. There was a rumor that inside the black walled fortress which was jealously guarded by guards was an imposing castle where, according to Gypsy tales, it belonged to the Dracul family of Ponteveccio, despite the power exercised by the family over the town was being obscured by Dark deals between humans and demons therefore Vladislaus Dracul del Ponteveccio II and his son decided that it was the right moment to resume the steps of their ancestors and return to their roots. It is the demons that cause hunger, Sterility, air corruption and pestilence; They remain hidden behind the clouds of the lower atmosphere and they are attracted by the blood and incense that the wicked offer them. - Origin At the moment in which a large human mob burst into the outside of the castle, these, disguised as villagers, mingled among the crowd and managed to flee thanks to the intuition of one of its members, who had foreseen such an attack; and consequently, even managed to move in advance much of their belongings to Sighişoara, city founded by Transylvania Saxons. For those times Segesvar was no more than a small castle, which had reached a status of "urban settlement" ... ..can not imagine how much fame and glory for this small city, would bring the arrival of this mysterious family. After the transfer, the noble Vladislaus Dracul of Ponteveccio II and his son Luciano del Ponteveccio, swore vows to the "Church Order of the Dragon" which is why Lord Vladislavs began to be known as: "Vlad Dracul" Happiness lasted little since on one of his voyages Vladislavs Dracvla del Ponteveccio, was beheaded and burned at a bonfire in 1476, at 2048 years of age near Bucharest, at the hands of the Turks. After his fall the responsibility of the whole family fell on the shoulders of his son Lord Luciano Church Del Ponteveccio who formed his own dynasty becoming Father and Founder of the Ponteveccio Family and our Necropolis Clan. Death has built a throne in a strange solitary city. Remote in the remote west, where the good, the bad, the best And the worst lie in eternal rest. There the temples, palaces and towers (old towers that do not wobble!) They do not look anything like ours. Round, Forgotten by the wind resigned under the sky lie the waters of melancholy. - Edgar Allan Poe "The city under the sea" But their offspring of pure blood have been vigilant in the shadows in many occasions undetectable before human eyes, forming their own army of children, selected from among those who believe they are worthy of the wonderful gift that is immortality, thus breaking some other laws of what they call "clique", since their ideology is to stay hidden from mortals waiting for the slightest carelessness of those beings whose arrogance is such that they do not deserve to feel the heat of the day, much less walk unpunished through the world , "If they could or would have had the possibility of stealing the sun, they would not have given it to humans to be hot. They would have submerged it in the sea and started to buy their souls in exchange for fire "but nevertheless, the humans know that they are there, that they are that little voice that whispers to them in the lonely hours of the night making them shake with fear, that fear that attracts them thirsting for blood and revenge alone is enough for a second to feel how life escapes in their arms. But, come on, you do not have to believe in my words, if you do not want to! after all, who can know what a lie is and what is the truth when a gypsy speaks? - he said, hiding his fangs so as not to scare the spectators, who were astonished and incredulous, at such a fanciful story. He cleared his throat as his eyes flashed and after a pause he continued, "... still, this was the story about the Ponteveccio Family now known as Clan Necropolis. It is said that Lord Luciano with his daughters Sandra, Anyelik, Akasha and Luna welcome all the immortals as well as one or other humans who could end up as family, pet or not dinner ... everything is left to luck ... But that if .. always say..... "We are a family of principles, of loyalty, our curse does not prevent us from being judges worthy of our own actions, respecting our bloodline, our past, we do not harm the defenseless more if we attack the traitors, those who put an end to the life of our ancestors - What if we regret what we have done throughout our gloomy and cold non-life? Do not…. if no other being has such a great understanding of Death as we do ... Why should we retract? ... Worry about the past? no, there is no one who does not tremble at the slightest sign of our presence and that leaves in our mouths a sweeter taste than the blood ...... Even an eternity awaits us to discover, no one knows what the future holds. Why stop? now?.....-" "I have come in response to your prayers. Life no longer makes sense, right? Wine has no flavor, food makes you nauseous. It seems that nothing has a reason to be, right? What if I could give you back everything? Calm your suffering and give yourself another life ... One that you can not even imagine. And it would be, forever ... And neither disease nor death could touch you again, Do not worry.. I'm going to give you the chance to choose what I did not have " - Anne Ric

Raven's Blood
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Sovereign: Sovereign: Autumn McAuley (celticqueen.dragovar)
Sovereign: TBA
Ambassador: TBA
Proxy: TBA
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Clan Rose Noire
Sovereign: Antonio Pointe Du Lac (rockycaceria) - Argentina
Sovereign: TBA
Ambassador: Michael Astarler (Michael 9404) - Uruguay
Proxy: Mario Setnasab (mario1bp) Ecuador
History: Founded 18 November 2017

We Rose Noire the stems of Cain, descendants of Licaon who from a time extends beyond the reach of memory, of records or tradition. We have wandered this world looking for victims and quenching our thirst, for the blood gives us strength and life. By sharing our blood we share, our existence, and no one can break our ties. The offshoots of the Rose Noire Horde have similar characteristics, we share disciplines, traditions and habits in common, as well as a curse that Cain has bequeathed to us. La Horde de Rose Noire founded on 11/18/2018, Alejandra Rassir and Antonio Pointe Du Lac, belonging to the Blood Exile of Cain Bloodline, with the purpose of playing dynamically under the rules of the masquerade, respecting the traditions vampiric, leading a group of vampires in search of survival and defending their domains, creating progeny, making history and carrying with it the curse that Cain has bequeathed us

Umbra Animae Assamites
Place Holder for Clan Banner
Sovereign: ɮɨӄɛʀʍǟռ ʟɛɮօʀֆӄɨ (bikerman.leborski)
Sovereign: TBA
Ambassador: ֆʊֆǟռǟ ʟɛɮօʀֆӄɨ (susana.leider)
Proxy: Мαяıʌ Ðяαɢσп ʟɛɮօʀֆӄɨ (marievanachter)
History: Place Holder for Clan History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Progeny: Vampire has set itself the goal of being the best vampire based role-playing simulation on the grid, and according to many of its participates is well on the way to achieving this. The system is currently in advanced open beta, and is invitation only, to play you must be invited by an existing player.