Domino Franizzi (Domino Franizzi)

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Дьявол Домино

Великий Дьявол

Официальный титул: Дьявол

Предпочтительная форма обращения: Lord Diabolic Domino

Имя аватара: Domino Franizzi

День создания аватара: 22/07/2008г.

Язык: Английский

Роль в Grave Designs

Домино Франицци- Возвышение Лорда Домино

Хотя я живу уже много веков, я не жил по-настоящему, пока меня не изгнали из единственного места, которое я мог назвать домом: Небес. Расти как единственный образец Божий в Элитном Ансамбле было, мягко говоря, непросто. И хотя моя жизнь была полна унизительных замечаний, горьких “семейных” и пустых обещаний, Небеса по-прежнему были моим домом. Если бы не мои собратья-ангелы, это был бы настоящий рай. Именно там я был создан, обучен и со временем стал изгоем.

Я до сих пор помню события, приведшие к моему падению, с ошеломляющей ясностью, навсегда запечатлевшиеся в моем сознании. Метатрон пришел ко мне, как он всегда делал, получив весточку от нашего Отца, и сказал мне, что я возглавлю Элиту, огромную армию ангелов, обученных с момента сотворения мира защищать праведников и побеждать тьму. Мы должны были отправиться на поиски нектара, который вернул бы нам бессмертие. Никто из нас не знал, почему некоторые из нас увядали, наш свет тускнел, пока мы не стали не более чем пустыми оболочками самих себя. Ходили слухи, что этот нектар предотвратит это.

Я не подвергал сомнению свои приказы, слепо и с полной верой следуя Божьему слову, для чего мы все были созданы. Я должен был догадаться. Я должен был понять, что что-то было не так, когда сам Бог заключил сделку с Источником, правителем Ада и командиром тьмы, которую мы так старались держать в страхе. В сделке говорилось, что Источник предложит одну из своих армий, чтобы помочь в поисках нектара, и в обмен он мог бы получить часть его для своих собственных целей.

Я был тем, кто нашел нектар. Чего я не знал, так это того, что Михаил, мой командир и ближайший соратник, тоже получил приказ. Найдя нектар, он должен был уничтожить армию демонов, нарушив сделку, и вернуть бронзовую жидкость Метатрону.

Я с ужасом наблюдал, как сотни тысяч демонов сражались попав в засаду. Их тела падали волнами, их крики задерживались в воздухе. Они были в значительном меньшинстве, Элита была гораздо лучше обучена, более сильна и обладала даром полета. У демонов не было ни единого шанса. Битва длилась всего пару минут, и хотя меня учили, что демоны - это зло, а мы - нет, я не мог не чувствовать печали и сожаления о силах тьмы.

Когда Метатрон вызвал Михаила и меня на совет Старейшин, я не мог не чувствовать себя сбитым с толку. Почему Михаил отдал приказ уничтожить целую армию ?

“Doubt wraps around you like an inky veil, Domino. Please, speak.”

While Metatron’s voice soothed my nervousness, I saw something on his face that I couldn't identify. I asked him all the questions that buzzed around my mind like insects. I told him I thought what we did was wrong. Then, I asked him the question that sealed my fate and ensured my fall.

“If demons are evil and they uphold their word, what does that make us who claim to be righteous but deliver lies for the sake of our own greediness?”

No sooner had the words left my mouth, the room exploded. Lights blurred, and pain exploded throughout my shoulder blades. The sound of screaming filled my ears and I realized it was my own. The room spun and then I was free-falling for what seemed like an eternity. The impact of my body landing on Earth was excruciating as every bone I had shattered. I lay there broken and bleeding, and looked up at the stars. I knew I was now fallen and overwhelming sorrow swept over me.

I stayed in the meadow for days, unable to move, praying for death. Though fallen, angel blood coursed through my veins and I knew I could not die, not truly. I would be forced to live an eternity in a world that was plain and harsh in comparison to the paradise I was ejected from. Several animals had ravaged various parts of my body over the days and though the pain was constant, I didn't have enough strength or energy to care.

It was nearly winter, the chill in the air an indicator that snow would be soon falling, when she found me. She was beautiful in such a way that I mistook her for an angel, though I had never seen her before. Clad entirely in animal skins, her long ash hair blowing around her body, she truly looked magnificent.

“Are you here to kill me?” I rasped.

She laughed, a wondrous sound, and bent down. She studied me, looked me over and I watched her expression change from amused to curious. I couldn't move, couldn't tell her to leave me be, or defend myself in any way against whatever attack she had planned.

“You just refuse to die,” she whispered with a smile.

Her words echoed around me as I fought to stay conscious. I remember the pinch of pain as her lips touched my wrist and the ecstasy that soon followed. Her blood on my tongue, a faint memory now, made me mad with intoxication. My eyes shot open and I leap to my feet, my breathing labored until it stopped altogether. Pain and ecstasy rolled over me in heavy waves and I fought the urge to vomit.

Before I knew what was happening, she leaped on me. Her elongated eyeteeth were bared, her eyes a crazed crimson as she snarled and struck me repeatedly. Her nails scored my skin, which healed immediately as I fought to get her off me. Finally, I bucked and kicked her from me. I was amazed at my new strength and speed and I easily stepped out of her frenzied charge.

“What have you done to me?” she growled and I didn't know it then, but my angelic blood had caused her to go straight into a blood-lust.

She charged me again and I struck out, my fist cracking her rib cage. In one fluid motion, I clenched her heart and yanked it out of her body. I watched in horror as the light left her once beautiful sapphire eyes. She collapsed to the grass in a heap and I looked at my hand. I dropped her heart next to her, my hands shaking and dripping with her blood. I looked around at the meadow but everything appeared different than it had before. Anxiety and adrenaline coursed through me as I studied my surroundings, the scent of her blood coating my tongue like honey. I didn't even know her name.

I was alone, everything strange and my senses foreign.

I wandered the world for years, killing and feeding as needed to survive. I was a ghost, unseen by humans. It took me many years to learn my power, my full potential limitless. Ruins were all I left in my wake. I moved from location to location, searching for a way back into Heaven. I needed to go home. Was I yearning for revenge or forgiveness – I do not even know to this day.

Time passed that way, unmeasured, until I met another like me. Her name was Suraya. She was the first person that I had met that was like me. She told me that we were members of a superior race, that of vampires and that we called ourselves Progeny. She told me of the secret societies that had formed of our kind, and of the the Masquerade which enabled us to thrive among the humans, undetected by them. She taught me me how to hunt without killing people and how to avoid drawing attention to ourselves.

Though I fought to be rid of her, every effort went unnoticed. She was unlike any creature I encountered on my time on Earth and though terrified, I couldn't help but be curious and in awe of her. Who was this strange woman and why did she wish my company?

I regarded her like the rest of the female species I had encountered; liars, connivers, cheaters, and above all soulless. Yet, she visited me every night, each time teaching me something new about my fellow Progeny and bringing news of the world, though I’m sure she knew I had no interest in the world around me.

One night she came to me, excitement brightening her flawless features. She told me she had a contact that could restore my wings. She said he had massive power and skills in the dark magics and she assured me I would be able to return to Heaven. I could not believe it, after hundreds of years wandering and searching, I would finally be able to go home.

Though leery of going into the nether realm, the promise of having my wings restored was overwhelmingly intoxicating. I hastily agreed and when she took my hand, electric waves washed over me. My world pitched forward and everything blackened.

I awoke to the scent of wet dirt and blood. I tried to stand but I was bound by thick heavy chains. I struggled to free myself and the chains tightened, yanking my arms tightly behind me. I heard movement and looked up to see Suraya on her knees in front of an enormous throne. Skulls decorated the massive chair, some of which I recognized, the smaller skulls of children, and vampire skulls, their fangs grinning grotesquely in the flickering light. Others seemed deformed, or to be from creatures I'd never encountered before.

“My Source, I have brought you an angel for you to feast upon,” she spoke quietly, her voice cracking from fear.

It was then that I saw him. He seemed to blend with the shadows, materializing from it like a specter of death. His eyes were bright red, like the fire around us, and anger contorted his beautiful features into something terrifying.

“You dare bring an angel into my domain?” His voice was low, but the power that resonated from his furious words were enough to shake my very foundation and the foundation around us.

Suraya quickly dropped her eyes to her fidgeting hands in her lap. A part of me was thrilled to see her so terrified. To see her being caused physical and emotional pain was more than gratifying. She was the reason I was chained in Hell. She lied to me, tricked me. The worst part, however, was the realization that she didn't have a contact to restore my wings.

“I…I thought that by bringing you this offering you would be pleased enough to grant me authority over one of your armies.”

My eyes flitted to the Source and I cringed when I saw the fiery depths of his eyes flash a vibrant ruby. Suraya didn't have a chance to scream or cry out before blackness struck her. When the inky mist cleared, she was gone. The blackness wafted back to the Source and circled him before it seemed to be absorbed by his body. His eyes slowly dimmed and he finally looked at me.

The intensity of his stare made me feel ill but I refused to avert my eyes. He stepped closer, observing me, before he placed a hand on my head. I couldn't struggle, immobilized by more than the chains, some unseen force. It felt as though something was pushing and pulling at my insides. I cried out and after several minutes he released my head and took a step back.

“Hmm, I see….” He said and turned his back to me, his arms crossed as he casually paced the space in front of me. “Domino Franizzi, a fallen angel turned Progeny. You killed your sire and an impressive number of humans. What to do with you?” He paused and faced me, a sinister glint in his eyes. “You have been Progeny for quite some time. Your skills are unmatched and with the blood of an angel running through your veins, there is no telling what potential you have.”

Before I could react, he placed his hand on my face and pain unlike anything I’d ever experienced shot through my body, shaking me to the core. Blood poured down my face.

“You are now my Diabolic. This mark will ensure you never betray me by attempting to reenter Heaven, Get comfortable, Domino. For eternity is a long time...”