Exile of Cain

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Exile of cain fondo negro .png
  • Exile of Cain
  • Arch: Ą ƒ я ι Đℯ ℭαîη (mariafry)
  • Blood Regent: Ķαmαкυгα Đℯ ℭαîη (andres.wirsing)
  • Arch Advisor: ἶʂἶʂ Ѕρεռςεɾ Vʌɲ Dɾʌƙє (isis.whittenstall)
Exile of Cain
Exile of cain fondo negro .png
Sovereign: Ķαmαкυгα Đℯ ℭαîη (andres.wirsing)
Co-Sovereign: SoЯαУα (Ssoraya Byron)
Ambassador: Not Assigned
Proxy: Not Assigned
History: The Exile of Cain is a secret vampire society, practically unknown by the rest of the vampires. The origins of this vampire community goes back to the time when Cain before the exile he expressed that he would return to exterminate every vampire who defied his will, multiplying them uncontrollably their Vitae potency in every generation which will be weaker and diluted. Cain apparently offered some of his own Vitae content in a chalice thanks to a powerful discipline applied onto him, he told the exact moment and location of his return into a reduced circle of very powerful vampires, who known well about the most savvy disciplines. This close group of vampires remained in the shadows even to the rest of vampires and kept that way until this date keeping that secret.

As generations went by the return of Cain was called the Gehena, the vampire apocalypse was a legend. It was more of a fantasy than a reality for most of the vampires. This has contributed even more to the followers of the return of Cain to keep the secret. Some of them are considered as a mere sect of lunatics, obsessed by a tale, a legend, but a few of them are touched by the call of Cain, in some way finding faith in his existence who are sought and recruited by the Exile of Cain, convinced by his return and prepared to rise with him to punish the rest of vampires, waiting for the Gehena and the return of Cain.

Greater houses of Exile of Cain

House Fratres Sanguine
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: TBA
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Herederos de Serena

Herederos de Serena
Herederos de serena.png
Princeps: Joz Le Brin Salvatore (joz.jarman)
Delegate: Cara Le Brin Salvatore (chesneystarr)
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: Los Vastagos de la casa de Herederos de Serena tienen una reputación de honorabilidad, gentileza y gusto impecable. Desde tiempos inmemoriales han sido una casa del liderazgo, haciendo cumplir las antiguas tradiciones y buscando dar forma al destino de los Vastagos. En las noches de antaño los Herederos de Serena eran escogidos entre los nobles, los príncipes mercaderes y otros dueños del poder. Actualmente el clan recluta a sus miembros entre las acomodadas familias del "dinero viejo", despiadados trepadores corporativos y políticos. Sea cual sea su origen, preservan la estabilidad y mantienen el orden en el lugar donde se encuentren. Otros vampiros suelen tomar esto por arrogancia o avaricia, pero para los herederos de Serena, su papel de pastores es más una carga que un honor.
Apoyan sin reservas, opinando que es lo mejor para los vampiros. Para su mentalidad, los demás clanes son toscos e impetuosos: demasiado preocupados por su comodidad a corto plazo, desdeñan la eternidad del mañana por un poco de vitae esta noche. Sobrellevan su carga manteniendo firme el labio superior y con un toque de noblesse oblige. Ningún otro clan podría guiar a los Hijos de Caín en las noches de la inminente Gehena... o eso suelen decir los hijos de serena. Después de todo, su reputación esta basada en ello.
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Aʂƚɾσ Dαʂԋƙσʋ Aʂƚҽɾɱαɳɳ (djastrormx)
Delegate: yυry daѕнĸov ғranιzzι (yuri.bianco)
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: TBA