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;Clan Sovereign: (Souverain du Clan): Le Chef d'un Clan. Comme alternatif,il peut y avoir un «Co-Souverains» en tant que leadership partagé sous accord mutuel entre deux individus.
;Clan Sovereign: (Souverain du Clan): Le Chef d'un Clan. Comme alternatif,il peut y avoir un «Co-Souverains» en tant que leadership partagé sous accord mutuel entre deux individus.
;Coma: A status induced when a Vampire succumbs to their Subsistence, reaching 0.000 liters of blood. Coming out of a Coma requires the assistance of another Vampire at a Revival Altar.
;Coma: Un statut induit lorsqu'un vampire succombe à sa subsistance, 0,000 Substance,  Sortir d'un coma nécessite l'aide d'un autre vampire à un autel de réveil.
;Council of Houses: AKA “CoH”, the Council of Houses is the convening body of Houses. As GCSC and its Clans may be perceived as Nations under a “United Nations” assorted chamber, CoH is akin to state-level politics like a Senate.
;Council of Houses:(Conseil des maisons): AKA “CoH”, le Conseil des Maisons(COH) est l'organe de convocation des Chambres.Comme le GCSC et ses clans peuvent être perçus comme des Nations sous une chambre assortie des «Nations Unies», le CoH s'apparente à une politique au niveau des États comme un Sénat.
;Delegate: Second in command of a House, Delegates are decided at the discretion of the House Princeps.
;Delegate: Second in command of a House, Delegates are decided at the discretion of the House Princeps.

Revision as of 02:59, 19 November 2020

Est défini par les nuits actives dans Progeny, votre âge affecte, des différences de statistiques très mineures en fonction du groupe d'âge auquel il appartient. Ci-dessous, les groupes d'âge indiqués et le nombre de jours définissent l'atteinte de leur seuil.
Jeune-vampire naissant (Recrue) <30 Nights

Les 30 premières nuits en tant que vampire, sont les moments idéaux pour un immense apprentissage et une harmonisation avec la communauté et sa culture.

Mature> 30 Nuits

Cela signifie qu'ils ont surmonté peut-être le moment le plus incertain de leur existence en tant que nouveau-nés, d'une communauté bien mûrie.

Old> (Vieux) 300 Nuits

Arrivé a l'âge d'un vieil homme,les membres n'ont pas encore un an dans le jeu, mais il est fort probable qu'ils en sont venus à être traités équitablement en tant que vampire progeny.

Venerable> 500 Nuits

The Venerables have been around for about a year and a half. At this point, Les Vénérables existent depuis environ un an et demi. À ce point, ils passent par le processus naturel d'un immense apprentissage et ont raisonnablement gagné en cours de route.

Ancient 1000 Nuits

> Experience multiples,ceux de vieil age, et ceux encore plus vieux, sont venus de loin et ont très probablement fait face à beaucoup d'épreuves et de tribulations.

Colossus (Colossus)> 1500 Nuits

Vicieux avec la défense et la langue, à ce stade, on prétend qu'ils ont bien appris les ficelles du métier et sont en train de revendiquer leur existence en tant que membres influents de la communauté.

Leviathan (Leviatan)> 2000 Nuits

Un vampire qui a plus de 2000 nuits dans le système Progeny

Behemoth (Giant)> 2500 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 2500 nuits.

Gorgonian> 3000 Nights

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 3000 nuits.

Promethean (Prometheus)> 3500 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 3500 nuits.

Tartaric (Tartaran)> 4000 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui exixtent depuis plus de 4000 nuits.

Typhon (Typhon)> 4500 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 4,500 nuits.

Draconian (Draconian)> 5000 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 5,000 nuits.

Lomarian> 6000 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 6,000 nuits.

Empyrean (Empyrean)> 7500 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 7,500 nuits.

Immortal (Immortal)> 10,000 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 10,000 nuits.

Eternal (Eternal)> 15000 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 15,000 nuits.

Devourer of Worlds> 25000 Nuits

Ce sont des vampires qui existent depuis plus de 25,000 nuits.  

Altar, revival
(Autel de la renaissance) Une plate-forme de cérémonie appartenant a un chef de la ligné, clan, maison, ou au temple du Chateau de Progeny, qui a la capacité de vous faire sortir d'un état de coma avec l'aide d'un autre vampire. Il peut également fournir un nouveau HUD ou de remplacer celui-ci si nécessaire.
(Ambassadeur)Second après le souverain d'un clan, Les ambassadeurs sont des officiers et des représentants d'un clan donné.
Arch Conclave
L’Arch Conclave est l’endroit où les Arch vampires et les Blood Régents, sous formes physiques ou même psychiques se rassemblent et interagissent en toute confidentialité en ce qui concerne les questions communautaires.
Arch Régent
Un Arch Régent est le titre temporaire, voire transitoire qu'un Blood Regent obtient pendant une période d'absence prolongée de son Arch Vampire.
Arch Vampire
Embrassé par La Source, Lachiel. Arch Vampire devient l'ancêtre d'un pool génétique entier ou d'un arbre connu sous le nom de Bloodline.
Arch Advisor
Membre choisi pour conseiller l'Arch vampire.

Défini comme le «3e» poste d'autorité accepté d’une lignée,l'Arch Advisor en termes de rôle dans le royaume ne fait pas partie du manteau de pouvoir partagé par l'Arch et Régent de sang(Blood Regent, cependant ils sont un aîné respecté et en tant que tel, officiellement invités à parler en leur nom lorsque ni l'un ni l'autre n'est disponible, à peu près de la même manière que le proxy, des clans vampires. Ils ne détiennent aucun pouvoir officiel dans le royaume en dehors de leur propre lignée, comme décidé par leur propre Arch, mais restent une voix respectée dans la communication interlignées. En tant que tels, leur titre et leur rôle, sont un titre honorifique non associé à un rôle ou à un pouvoir dans l'ensemble du groupe. Il ne peut y avoir qu'un seul Arch Advisor par lignée, et ils portent la voix de l'Arche, plutôt que d'agir à partir de leur propre position d'autorité.

(Conscience) Une future fonction à être implémenté.
Bite; Gentle
(Morsure Douce) Le moins salissant, pourtant la plus longue des options, (Gentle) permet de consommer plus et de renverser moins.
Bite; Normal
(Morsure Normale) Une option entre la morsure douce propre et le déversement massif de Ravage, La normale est le juste milieu entre une consommation plus rapide au prix d'un déversement de sang supplémentaire
Bite; Ravage
(Morsure Ravage) ravage occasionne beaucoup trop de perte de sang. Parfait pour une alimentation accélérée ainsi que pour une utilisation au combat.
Blood Bank
(Banque de Sang) La Banque de sang est un emplacement physique trouvé sur la sim Progeny. A cet endroit, un vampire trouvera le dispositif de chaise utilisé pour stocker ou prélever du sang, ainsi que l'envoi de sang conservé à un autre membre. Note: Il existe maintenant des emplacements de chaises de la banque de sang hors de la sim Progeny, Renseignez-vous auprès de votre Arch Vampire ou de votre Souverain s'il y en a un qui vous est accessible.
Blood Bank Board
(Tableau de la Banque de Sang) Un appareil qui enregistre la quantité de sang stocké à différents degrés d'activité, de la dernière semaine à tous les temps.
Blood Loss
(Perte de Sang) La consommation du sang d’un mortel le draine de sa quantité limitée. Au fur et à mesure que leur perte de sang augmente, leur état de santé se dégrade.

La liste suivante exprime cette perte du plus sain vers le bas.

-Healthy (En Bonne Santé)
-Flushed (Faible)
-Clammy (Froid)
-Sickly (Maladif)
-Pale ( Pâle )
-Near Death (Proche de la mort)
-Quite Dead (Mort)
(Lignée): A Progeny: Univers Vampire, une lignée est une sous-espèce de vampire. Chaque lignée est dirigée par un Arch Vampire, une figure patriarcale ou matriarcale dont le caractère distinctif façonne les traits et les capacités de tous les vampires de la lignée donnée. Tous les vampires de Progeny appartiennent à une lignée.Être membre d'une lignée est souvent porteur d'une forte identification sociale.La plupart des vampires ont tendance à s'associer plus fortement aux membres de leur propre lignée. Cependant, ces derniers temps, le mélange est de plus en plus courant avec les clans et les maisons modernes.
Blood Regent
(Régent de Sang) Le Régent de Sang est le second commandant après l’Arch de la lignée. C'est à la discrétion de l'Arch de décider qui il souhaite avoir comme régent de sang et ainsi être une voix de leur lignée.
(livres): La série de livres utilisés par les officiers de la maison et du clan à des fins administratives.
(Clan): Un clan est mieux décrit comme une «nation» de vampires. Les clans sont des unités politiques, qui, s'ils se soumettent à l’autorité reconnue du GCSC, ils pourront avoir alors, une représentation dans cette chambre politique respective. Les clans contiennent des maisons.
Clan Leader
(Chef de Clan): Référence ambiguë à un officier de clan, que ce soit souverain, ambassadeur ou mandataire (Proxy).
Clan Sovereign
(Souverain du Clan): Le Chef d'un Clan. Comme alternatif,il peut y avoir un «Co-Souverains» en tant que leadership partagé sous accord mutuel entre deux individus.
Un statut induit lorsqu'un vampire succombe à sa subsistance, 0,000 Substance, Sortir d'un coma nécessite l'aide d'un autre vampire à un autel de réveil.
Council of Houses
(Conseil des maisons): AKA “CoH”, le Conseil des Maisons(COH) est l'organe de convocation des Chambres.Comme le GCSC et ses clans peuvent être perçus comme des Nations sous une chambre assortie des «Nations Unies», le CoH s'apparente à une politique au niveau des États comme un Sénat.
Second in command of a House, Delegates are decided at the discretion of the House Princeps.
Devils Advocate
The Progeny equivalent to a public defender in the court system.
A Diabolic is an infernal entity that, in the Progeny universe, is decided on to assist The Source in his endeavors. Diabolics take up various reasons for their existence and all at as technical support to assist the members of Progeny when needed.
Diabolic Law
System rules for Progeny enforced by the Diabolic Conclave
Draught of Life
AKA “DoL”, the Draught of Life brings a Shade back to Quick status at the level of Sickly. If they use a second potion, they will be healed to 100%.
Dove / Hallowed Ground {HUD}
A status that occurs at various locations. Like the Progeny sim or Scribes guild. These are protected lands that allow Progeny Vampires to conduct Clan and House business without attacks. A Diabolic is capable of forcing the status on the HUDs of all within 20 meters, as well.
When a Vampire is removed from the system with no hope of return without direct intervention from a Diabolic or the Operion.
The act of bringing in a new Progeny into the system/community.
Partially embraced, in a sense, a Familiar will act as a peculiar mortal whose life may be extended and blood regeneration multiplied so as to serve Vampires as reliable resources for blood.
A component that all Vampires have. As a tool, it allows the HUD to be used so that a Vampire may feed.
The act of using the HUD so as to consume/drain the blood of another individual.
The number that declares your distance from your Arch, and in extension, The Source. Arch Vampires may be perceived as Generation Zero.
Grand Council of Sovereign Clans
AKA “GCSC”, the Grand Council of Sovereign Clans acts as the sole political body at present that acts as the political stage for Clans. Membership, itself, is only maintained by submission to the laws and regulations that this body wishes to collectively pursue. Denouncement of this organization makes a Clan a Renegade Clan.
Hallowed Ground
(Possible future item) An opt-out object that can be rezzed on a parcel of land that will deactivate the Progeny Vampire HUD, thereby stopping vampires from attacking while in the area. A dove will appear on the HUD if you are on Hallowed ground.
Heart Stone
This device allows you to see the status of your minions. It also allows you to send blood to them in an emergency situation.
A state for a vampire to willingly, or even forcefully be put in that stops Subsistence from taking effect, however it also limits the Vampire’s options in activity. Suited best for those who suspect that they will be away from the Realm for an extended period. There exist two options for this status. The cheaper option doesn’t generate Age, while the second one generates Age at 1 for every 2 days.
Hibernation Chamber
This device allows you to sleep for an extended period of time. It can be found in the Progeny castle.
A state level, and more family-oriented in concept, entity. Houses can be created based upon the respective Clan policies and reaching requirements set forth by the given Clan.
House Leader
Like Clan Leader, House Leader may be perceived as an ambiguous term for the three House Officers. Princeps, Delegate and Liaison.
The device that is placed on your screen and allows for you to interact with the Progeny System. As stated by Lachiel, the HUDs are mere role play tools – devices to assist in your partaking in Progeny.
HUD, Bite
The option that allows for you to Feed.
HUD, Scan
This option allows for the individual to see the status of those nearby.
HUD, Self-Scan
Allows for the individual to check their Progeny System statistics.
Known also as Quicks and often called “mortals”, humans are the source of a vampire’s sustenance.
A Diabolic Aid that serves a given Diabolic. They are due the same respect as their Diabolic when they are actively in their role as Infernal (when they are doing a given task for their Diabolic) The infernal cannot represent there diabolic and their clan or house at the same time.
The Tribunal Process in the Progeny world.
The equivalent of the District Attorney for the Progeny Inquisition Process.
Lapse into Slain
If a vampire is in a coma for 30 nights, they lapse into slain state.
A Vampire that has not created any Progeny
The third in command of a House.
A politically-based term, where you may declare your loyalty to someone, abiding by their House and Clan laws and rules.
In Progeny: Vampire, Lycans will have various perceptions. Taking various forms, from wolves to bears, and even jackals, a Lycan is an anthromorphic being of peculiar origins. They will be released with HUD support as fully interactive entities in the Progeny System.
The investigator of complaints for the Inquisition process.
A politically-based term of an individual who swears fealty to another.
An individual who may choose on their own free will, or casted out by an officer of their House or Clan. The existence of an Outcast is without law and without certainty in their safety.
Outcast Penalty
A Vampire that has been cast out of or chosen to leave their bloodline, clan or house for personal or political reasons. An outcast vampire suffers an additional 0.25l/day of subsistence, and has no direct contact with The Source and limited assistance from the Grave Designs support team. Outcast vampires do not need to abide by the Vampire Society laws passed by the Grand Council, but also have no protection (other than their wits) against attack from other vampires.
Potency is an abstract term for the measurement of power in a vampires blood stream. Potency is generated naturally over time. The older the vampire is, the faster they generate potency. Potency is the property of the blood that allows it to impart vampirism during the siring process.

In Game Terms; potency is a system that prevents abuse of the free nature of the system, by restricting how quickly one can create progeny, especially at early stages. This in turn adds value to the gift of vampirism as sires tend to be far more picky with whom they choose to spend their potency on.

Potency, Apparatus
The device used when an individual wish to store their accumulated Potency into a Crystal.
Potency, Crystal
The item with which an individual can store their accumulated Potency into. Crystals will be marked with the name and date of the individual whose Potency is stored in it. Consuming, or taking, the Potency removes the existence of the Crystal and leaves only the egg it was held in.
Potency, Stone
An item that can be purchased or gifted to another and contains a set amount of Potency to take. 1, 5 and 50 are the presently available size options.
The definitive title of the House Leader themselves.
Most easily described as a social number or ranking for those that choose to use it in their Role Play.
The definition of Progeny is one of the following two;
1. The Progeny System itself.
2. A member of Progeny, as they’re embraced under a Sire, they’d be the Sire’s Progeny.
A Clan officer or the third in charge of a clan.
AKA Human or mortal. Any avatar who is not a member of the Progeny system, they are humans and the source for blood, a vampire’s sustenance to avoid from having Subsistence bring them down into a Coma. Humans are referred to as Quicks because to the immortal vampires their little human lives pass so quickly. Quicks are looked upon as food, by the long lived races of the Progeny system. Also note their Health can lead to Quite Dead which turns a Quick into a Shade.
Recovery Cycle, Coma
This is a naturally occurring process for vampires, over time a slain vampire will recover to coma state where they can be revived with the aid of another vampire. This state lasts for a short period before the vampire cycles back into the slain state. The time it takes to recover increases each time the vampire transitions into slain from coma without being revived.
Recovery Cycle, status
To see where you are in the cycle, lay on a revival altar. It will tell you how many days have to pass before you are next in a coma state. In the event that the estimated time is too long to be desirable, a Vampire Restoration Potion (VRD) can be purchased and consumed to effect instant recovery.
To change the one you you have sworn your loyalty to.
Status applied to a Clan under the following conditions:
1. Denouncement of GCSC authority and laws
2. Denouncement of their Arch Vampire
To change your creator. This is done by a magical device that infuses a new sire’s blood into yours. This is located in the arena of the main Grave Designs sim.
Under certain special circumstances, the Source may enact a ritual to bring a slain vampire back to un-dead status w/o the intersession of recovery time or revival altars.
Restoration Potion
A potion consumed by a slain vampire to return instantly to an un-dead state. This magic is not without cost to the vampire’s well being and will cause the vampire to require more blood to survive than prior to the ingestion of the potion.
Resurrection, Clean
If a vampire has not created progeny during it’s time as an un-dead, then it is resurrected cleanly, leaving little or no trace of its presence in the world of the un-dead.
Resurrection, Purge
If all the progeny of a resurrected vampire also become resurrected, the corpus shadow of all disintegrate and the chain become “clean”. This has only happened a few times in history but is, nonetheless, possible. Legend has it that once an entire blood line was purged. This may or may not be true. But the fact is, if a vampire and all their progeny are resurrected no corpus shadow remains after the last of the Progeny is resurrected.
Resurrection, Tainted
If a vampire has created Progeny, that vampire cannot be cleanly resurrected. A shadow of the resurrected vampire’s corpus remains. The resurrected vampire’s progeny remains sired by its Corpus Shadow. And its minions become the minions of its own sire. The sire of the resurrected vampire still feels the potency weight of the previous embrace and shows to be the Sire of the corpus shadow.
A very rare act of Source Intervention that “cures” a vampire returning them to life as a human.
Revival Altar
A ceremonial platform that has the ability to revive a vampire from a coma state with help from another vampire willing to donate potency for this purpose. The altar is also a way to get a new or replacement HUD.
To be returned to un-dead from a coma state.
Status of an individual that is a part of a Rogue House.
Rogue House
A Rogue House is a house that is formed when 25 Outcast Vampires decide to band to gather. Rogue Houses do not need to follow the rules of vampire society.
Also referred to as scanning. Scrutinizing allows you to check the status of avatars near you to see if they are edible or another vampire.
When a vampire consumes too much of an individual’s blood, they fall into the Shade status. Biting from a Shade will result in vomiting blood and losing it, as it is consumption of “Dead Man’s Blood”.
Being embraced into Progeny requires someone providing the Gift of The Source, vampirism. In doing so, they become an individual’s Sire. Re-Siring is to take
Status that occurs when an individual is killed by another Vampire or if they persist in Coma status, leading to this.
Humans who will take up arms and be combat-oriented in pursuit of standing against the infernal blights that are Vampires and Lycans. They will be HUD-supported in the future.
Source Ichor
Extremely rare, to say the least. The Source Ichor is vintage bottles of Lachiel’s blood, with which the consumption of in sips, or entirely in one go, will yield statistically various results ranging from boosts in Age, drop in Subsistence to even the sliver of a chance of producing a new Arch Vampire.
The Source
The Source is the progenitor of all Vampires. Known as Lachiel, what little is known is that he is a fallen angel who primarily resides in the depths of Hell.
The authoritative leader of a Clan, they dictate who’s to be their subordinate Clan Officers and have final say in Clan-level actions and decisions.
Every night (12 AM SLT) a set amount of blood is lost as a small price to pay for immortality. Allowing the Subsistence to take too much without replacing through feeding will result in going into a Coma.
Active, live Vampire.
Vampire Restoration Draught
AKA “VRD”, the Vampire Restoration Draught exists as an immediate solution to bring a Vampire out of Slain status at the cost of a permanent .020 addition to Subsistence.