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!colspan="10"| Thymari
|rowspan="4"|[[File:Thymari Coat of arms.png|200px|thumb|center|]]
|Aileeƞ ԑւᶑrլեcի Tɦʮɱɑɾi  (AileenLiz Resident)
|Jαɱι ԑւᶑrլեcի Tɦʮɱɑɾi  (jamial Oberts)
|Fury H. DragonRoze Thymari (FuryHolly Resident)
|The Thymari House is a Village. We are not what it appears at all. We are the creatures that serve and protect. Our Lead Dragon has his eye upon us. For our Unicorn shall bring forth the lost, weak and troubled souls. We are mystical, magical, and of all walks of life within the shadows of the darkness. Our Seal is held by the Mother of Air and the Father of ones that have died before. Our strength grows strong each passing creation of New Villagers that are born to defend our House and Clan. Thymari Villagers are Dragon Farmers and Some of the Elite are Unicorn Farmers. We glide threw the air at great speed in each passing night of the Source. Once at Great Celebration shall there be the witness of the Legendary Dragon and Unicorn that come together. Provide us with greatness and also to work more the Spiritual Realms that we now. Not everything is in the dark. There are also the mystical and magical creators of the night that shine there way. Thru battles and Community of ones that trust and guide along with us. For a True believer one shall touch this crystal and each be granted or turned to stone on the touch. Only the Unicorn can grant passage with in the each passing night of the Source.
Thymari Coat of Arms.  Little is Known about our Crest.  What We can say is only ones that shall be given passage to the Thymari house Learn and take pride of what our Crest stands for.   
===Angels Damned===
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="10"|Angels Damned
|rowspan="4"|[[File:AngelsDammed1.png |200px|thumb|center| ]]
|ℳǟӇǟʀɛƬ ναη ωιтнєℓмιηd Ŧσгѕaκεη (angelita76)
|Not Assigned
|Not Assigned
|Historia del Surgimiento de la Casa Angels Damned
Surge la Casa de los Ángeles Condenados a pasar toda una eternidad sobre la tierra tomando la sangre de sus víctimas en una soledad oscura y fría.  La muerte los rodea por doquier, y a veces sufren sumidos en la desesperación.  Suelen estar solos, a veces en parejas o forman grupos pequeños; comparten, ríen, juegan pero su soledad siempre los acompaña.
Los ángeles condenados tienen poderes de la necromancia que es su legado, son pacientes, sigilosos, pensadores, inquietos, inteligentes, desconfiados, guerreros y tratan a los demás como se les trate en retribución.
Su Princeps Maharet Angelita descendiente de Akasha y de su linaje, la reencarnación de la hechicera Maharet de Egipto, aunque tiene características de nobleza, de ser combatiente y de siempre luchar, es considerada como la Reina del Hielo porque nunca toma decisiones a la ligera, es calculadora y fría ante situaciones adversas, no se precipita, se enfrenta valerosamente ante todo problema o circunstancia.  Sobreviviente a muchas guerras, ha sabido salir airosa ante sus enemigos, conservando la calma y actuando siempre con prudencia.  Su castillo, también de hielo es un tributo dedicado a sus hijos, ubicado en Coccola, donde comparte morada con sus hijos sedientos, de ambición, conocimiento, sangre y poder.
Poseedoras de gran belleza, astucia y gracia; Maharet Angelita y sus hijas e hijos recorren lo taciturno del día esperando, mirando, riendo, compartiendo lo que este mundo les ofrece llevando a sus pies miles de oportunidades y desafíos en el día.  Defienden su casa con astucia, gracia y poder no temiéndole a nada ni a nadie, sabiendo alimentarse con seguridad y cautela en lugares donde sus víctimas no tienen idea de que lo son.  Se vuelve fieras en la noche profunda y despiadadas si alguien las ataca o si atacan a uno de los miembros de su casa, no se andan con rodeos para descuartizar a alguien si se atreve a dañarlas perteneciendo así por completo a la Camarilla.
Ocultas en las sombras, colaboran activamente con los miembros de su Clan Salubri, Maharet Angelita y sus hijas e hijos poseen un tercer ojo que está oculto con el cual vigilan de forma recelosa su entorno y lo cual les permite tomar decisiones ante todo aquello que deben enfrentar, sin precipitarse al hacerlo.
Su escudo protector con el esqueleto hambriento del Gashadokuro representa a los espíritus que toman la forma de esqueletos gigantes y son quince veces más altos que una persona promedio, supuestamente creados a partir de los huesos acumulados de personas que murieron de hambre o en batalla, sin ser enterrados. Estos yōkai deambulan después de la medianoche, agarrando a viajeros solitarios y mordiéndoles la cabeza para beber su sangre. Hay una forma de saber de su cercanía, ya que la víctima oiría el sonido de un fuerte zumbido en el oído. Se dice que los Gashadokuro poseen los poderes de invisibilidad e indestructibilidad, aunque se dice que los encantos sintoístas te protegen de ellos.  Las almas de estas personas guerreras,
Maharet Angelita y sus hijas e hijos, son incapaces de trascender al plano espiritual, renacen en el mundo como fantasmas hambrientos que viven en el eterno deseo de aquello que nunca tuvieron. Para hacer parte de un Gashadokuro, una persona tiene que haber muerto con ira y dolor en su corazón, energía que permanece incluso un largo tiempo después de que su carne ha desaparecido de su cuerpo.  Dicen las leyendas que en la mano derecha lleva una campanilla y que inconscientemente la va haciendo sonar, la única forma de huir de un ataque de este Yokai es escuchando la campanilla y esconderte donde no pueda verte.
ℳǟӇǟʀɛƬ AηgɛliƬǟ AηgɛlsƊǟмηεd (ANGELITA76 Resident):
Casa Angels Damned

Latest revision as of 19:44, 1 May 2023

Clan Lasombra
Sovereign: Kylie B-Fang (Kylie Cortes)
Sovereign: Nimue Fang Lady of Avalon (mukaelasu)
Ambassador: ๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡ Hev Ŧaηg™️ ๖̶̶̶ (HevenlyK Resident)
Proxy: Viper Fang (wvviper)
Political Faction: Traditionalists (TRs)


              Founding Sovereign: Suraya Selijan
              Prior Sovereign: Parthenia Church-Horngold <apothosised to Diabolic>

The Lasombra clan was founded by Suraya Seljan, who achieved an amazing feat; she was the first vampire leader to parlay a rogue house into an official GCSC clan. This set the groundwork for Lasombra’s reputation as being proud and iconoclastic. It is always important to strive for that which others say is impossible.

When Queen Suraya had to leave our SL world for an extended absence, she transferred the clan to Princeps Jarl Horngold and Ambassador Parthenia Church-Horngold. As co sovereigns, Parthenia and Jarl continued the practice, begun under Suraya, of pledging clan loyalty to the Ravens Claw bloodline, rather than to the bloodline into which all were born. This was an unconventional move. During those times, it was only blood that was supposed to dictate one’s loyalty, and the resire machine had not yet been invented to afford vampires a means of changing their blood. Lasombra insisted that a diplomatic connection and shared ideologies could transcend hud stats. As co-sovereign, Parthenia, despite intense criticism, stood steadfast in loyalty to the Ravens Claw bloodline, which she was able to join --- and her entire line with her --- once the resire concept was invented. Parthenia later served as blood regent in the Ravens Claw bloodline until she was designated an arch and able to form her own bloodline.

The Lasombra clan was therefore the founding clan of the Church-Horngold bloodline, and many of the clans in that bloodline today had their origins in Lasombra.

In January, 2018, Arch Parthenia was chosen to be a diabolic, and underwent apotheosis, leaving her daughter Kylie Fang the sovereign of Lasombra.

Under Sovereign Kylie, the clan continued to grow with the same values as the founding mothers, pledging her loyalty to Arch Chano and the Church-Horngold bloodline. Sovereign Kylie was asked to be AA of that line and worked closely with BR Alejandra. During the Red War in 2020, many things came into the light which made it impossible for Lasombra to remain loyal to Church-Horngold (now known as Church-Ponteveccio bloodline). Sovereign Kylie found solace for a bit under Arch Neuntoter in the HDLO bloodline, where the clan once again found peace and acceptance. In January, 2021 Sovereign Kylie was offered the chance to become BR for the newly founded Forsaken bloodline under Arch Gaven, where she remains to this day.

Greater Houses of Clan Lasombra

Cavalerii Luna Sange

Cavalerii Luna Sange
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Elijah (oran1988 Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

The Black Sea
The Black Sea.png
Princeps: ℜυвץ ŁⅰĞĂℜŐŐ ĐℜĂĞŐŊĖŤŤⅰ ŦĂŃĠ™ (raven5736)
Liaison: ŤĂŁⅰĂ ŁⅰĞĂℜŐŐ ĐℜĂĞŐŊĖŤŤⅰ ŦĂŃĠ™ (hetalia2014)
History: Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Deos Tenebrarum

Deos Tenebrarum
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Ɲαтнαη Ɗє'Mσятє (JonathanMossimo Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Fang di Mayhem

Fang di Mayhem
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Ɗєяєк Ɗєαтнѕтαя Ŧaηg™ đı ℳąყɧєϻ (Splifstar Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Glan na Scail

Glan na Scail
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Kathryn Nightshade (KathrynSwann)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.


Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: ƛƬεƝεƛ ƬεƝεƁƦÆ (princesatenea Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Mediis Tenebris

Mediis Tenebris
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Princeps: Ƶαяєн (Zareh Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Obscura Veritas

Obscura Veritas
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Eve Roseraven (Darkeve6)
Delegate: Ember Emerald (Ember Emerald)
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Parum Dracones Fang

Parum Dracones Fang
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Kali Ŧaηg™ (Kaliesie Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Sempiterno Raphael Umbra

Sempiterno Raphael Umbra
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: ღѼღBaby Baron Emerald SinzღѼღ (BABYDOLLSTORM Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Sword of Avalon

Sword of Avalon
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Gudy
Delegate: Emma Dealan-Deluxe
Liaison: Ryan MacLachlan
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.

Thunder Dragon

Thunder Dragon
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Ʋιєηηα Ɠнσѕт-ƦƛƓƝƛƦƠƘ (Thunderstormx Resident)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: House Third Name Goes Here
History: Place Holder for House History

Progeny: Vampire™ is a role-playing aid eco-system developed for use in the Second Life™ Meta-Verse. Allowing your Avatar in Second Life™ to experience Lifestyle Role-play from the shadows of the eternal night. By feeding upon the life force of others vampires stalk the night for ages, maybe even eternity.


Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Gєямαи кιяαиσν вєℓℓємσят (Ger85 Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Blood Creed

Blood Creed
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Princeps: Ŝcoɍpɨo Ŝɨḉäɍɨʉȿ (SCORPIONKing Ghostraven)
Delegate: House Second Name Goes Here
Liaison: Zʂąղεεղ Ląųмε Möղεէ ¹™ Ŵɍąɨŧꜧ (acrylickittymccloud)
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

The Maxim of our Creed "Our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise." "Nothing is true; everything is permitted"

We work in the dark, to serve the light, we are assassin's

Brennende Holle

Brennende Holle
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Eʋιʅ Bɾҽɳɳҽɳԃҽ Hσʅʅҽ (evilsek Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

House Dracones Fang

House Dracones Fang
Princeps: ๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜۜ͜ζ͜͡ Hev Fang (HevenlyK)
Delegate: Kylie B-Fang Forsaken (Kylie Cortes)--AKA Mother Teresa
Liaison: Jօɦռռʏ ɮʟǟƈӄ-Ŧǟռɢ (countryboy561)
History: We are a homogeneous house of 52 wannabe vampires who enjoy cross dressing in pink and glitter who pride themselves with dancing to "I will survive" as our theme song. Although we may be distracting in our appearance, we should not be underestimated as vampires as our 15" heels can be used as weapons of mass destruction. We do not fear evil, we embrace it by sacrificing chickens to our dark lord. We praise Mother Teresa and her balls and look forward to rubbing rumps with the other houses.

Mageia Avalon

Mageia Avalon
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Nimue Lady of Avalon (mukaelasu Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Maison de Oubliee

Maison de Oubliee
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Lyηηεϯϯε Qυιηℓαη Ⓝíցђイ (lynettebaby Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Paz Y Amor Infernal

Paz Y Amor Infernal
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: ϟﺳ..::Lσlιϰ Ðαяkηєss M::..ﺳϟ (lolacampanita Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.


Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: ƇђřןﻜϮợρђҿř Ƈ. Нợřηɡợʆȡ (Alberto22294 Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Scarlet Rose

Scarlet Rose
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Aтαlαɴтe Scαяleт (AngelAtalante Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

House Thunder Dragon

House Thunder Dragon
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Ʋιєηηα Ɠнσѕт (Thunderstormx Resident)
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: TBA
History: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit obortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Veiled Fang

Veiled Fang
Veiled Fang Blood of the Veil.png
Princeps: Anan Eebus
Delegate: TBA
Liaison: Yelena Church-Horngold (Pentacle Resident)
From shadows born eternal on the cusp of a northern winter-spring Veiled Fang arose from an tapestry of grief and loss, fang and claw inhabiting the shadows eternal and stalking the ever-dark The Veil is the blood of vampire, werewolf, demon, fallen angel, sprite, ghost, more than just a fairytale we are as flesh as flesh, as breath is breath, of passion, of meditation we tread soft and soundless among the thorns, between the tears, outside the light skirting the precipice of dark.
~blood of the Veil~

Amantes Hominum

Amantes Hominum
Princeps: Čhase Lovingman (hrd79)
Delegate: Warren Lovingman (wd.citron)
Liaison: JT Lovingman (jako.thibedeau)
History: Amantes Hominum: Latin meaning "Loving Man". Armantes Hominum is a safe haven for the lost and wandering amongst the Progeny HUD RP system. We are a neutral house, yet are free to choose to help defend others within our Bloodline when the need arises. Above all, we are Family.

Nyght Skye

Nyght Skye
Princeps: Μϊђαϊլ сεլ Tгαđαţ (michaelgann)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: TBA


Thymari Coat of arms.png
Princeps: Aileeƞ ԑւᶑrլեcի Tɦʮɱɑɾi (AileenLiz Resident)
Delegate: Jαɱι ԑւᶑrլեcի Tɦʮɱɑɾi (jamial Oberts)
Liaison: Fury H. DragonRoze Thymari (FuryHolly Resident)
History: The Thymari House is a Village. We are not what it appears at all. We are the creatures that serve and protect. Our Lead Dragon has his eye upon us. For our Unicorn shall bring forth the lost, weak and troubled souls. We are mystical, magical, and of all walks of life within the shadows of the darkness. Our Seal is held by the Mother of Air and the Father of ones that have died before. Our strength grows strong each passing creation of New Villagers that are born to defend our House and Clan. Thymari Villagers are Dragon Farmers and Some of the Elite are Unicorn Farmers. We glide threw the air at great speed in each passing night of the Source. Once at Great Celebration shall there be the witness of the Legendary Dragon and Unicorn that come together. Provide us with greatness and also to work more the Spiritual Realms that we now. Not everything is in the dark. There are also the mystical and magical creators of the night that shine there way. Thru battles and Community of ones that trust and guide along with us. For a True believer one shall touch this crystal and each be granted or turned to stone on the touch. Only the Unicorn can grant passage with in the each passing night of the Source.

Thymari Coat of Arms. Little is Known about our Crest. What We can say is only ones that shall be given passage to the Thymari house Learn and take pride of what our Crest stands for.

Angels Damned

Angels Damned
Princeps: ℳǟӇǟʀɛƬ ναη ωιтнєℓмιηd Ŧσгѕaκεη (angelita76)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: Historia del Surgimiento de la Casa Angels Damned

Surge la Casa de los Ángeles Condenados a pasar toda una eternidad sobre la tierra tomando la sangre de sus víctimas en una soledad oscura y fría. La muerte los rodea por doquier, y a veces sufren sumidos en la desesperación. Suelen estar solos, a veces en parejas o forman grupos pequeños; comparten, ríen, juegan pero su soledad siempre los acompaña.

Los ángeles condenados tienen poderes de la necromancia que es su legado, son pacientes, sigilosos, pensadores, inquietos, inteligentes, desconfiados, guerreros y tratan a los demás como se les trate en retribución.

Su Princeps Maharet Angelita descendiente de Akasha y de su linaje, la reencarnación de la hechicera Maharet de Egipto, aunque tiene características de nobleza, de ser combatiente y de siempre luchar, es considerada como la Reina del Hielo porque nunca toma decisiones a la ligera, es calculadora y fría ante situaciones adversas, no se precipita, se enfrenta valerosamente ante todo problema o circunstancia. Sobreviviente a muchas guerras, ha sabido salir airosa ante sus enemigos, conservando la calma y actuando siempre con prudencia. Su castillo, también de hielo es un tributo dedicado a sus hijos, ubicado en Coccola, donde comparte morada con sus hijos sedientos, de ambición, conocimiento, sangre y poder.

Poseedoras de gran belleza, astucia y gracia; Maharet Angelita y sus hijas e hijos recorren lo taciturno del día esperando, mirando, riendo, compartiendo lo que este mundo les ofrece llevando a sus pies miles de oportunidades y desafíos en el día. Defienden su casa con astucia, gracia y poder no temiéndole a nada ni a nadie, sabiendo alimentarse con seguridad y cautela en lugares donde sus víctimas no tienen idea de que lo son. Se vuelve fieras en la noche profunda y despiadadas si alguien las ataca o si atacan a uno de los miembros de su casa, no se andan con rodeos para descuartizar a alguien si se atreve a dañarlas perteneciendo así por completo a la Camarilla.

Ocultas en las sombras, colaboran activamente con los miembros de su Clan Salubri, Maharet Angelita y sus hijas e hijos poseen un tercer ojo que está oculto con el cual vigilan de forma recelosa su entorno y lo cual les permite tomar decisiones ante todo aquello que deben enfrentar, sin precipitarse al hacerlo.

Su escudo protector con el esqueleto hambriento del Gashadokuro representa a los espíritus que toman la forma de esqueletos gigantes y son quince veces más altos que una persona promedio, supuestamente creados a partir de los huesos acumulados de personas que murieron de hambre o en batalla, sin ser enterrados. Estos yōkai deambulan después de la medianoche, agarrando a viajeros solitarios y mordiéndoles la cabeza para beber su sangre. Hay una forma de saber de su cercanía, ya que la víctima oiría el sonido de un fuerte zumbido en el oído. Se dice que los Gashadokuro poseen los poderes de invisibilidad e indestructibilidad, aunque se dice que los encantos sintoístas te protegen de ellos. Las almas de estas personas guerreras,

Maharet Angelita y sus hijas e hijos, son incapaces de trascender al plano espiritual, renacen en el mundo como fantasmas hambrientos que viven en el eterno deseo de aquello que nunca tuvieron. Para hacer parte de un Gashadokuro, una persona tiene que haber muerto con ira y dolor en su corazón, energía que permanece incluso un largo tiempo después de que su carne ha desaparecido de su cuerpo. Dicen las leyendas que en la mano derecha lleva una campanilla y que inconscientemente la va haciendo sonar, la única forma de huir de un ataque de este Yokai es escuchando la campanilla y esconderte donde no pueda verte.

ℳǟӇǟʀɛƬ AηgɛliƬǟ AηgɛlsƊǟмηεd (ANGELITA76 Resident): Princeps Casa Angels Damned