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Ancillary Diabolic

Официальный титул: Вспомогательный дьявол (Ancillary Diabolic)

Предпочтительная форма обращения: Mysticq

Имя аватара: mysticq

День рождения аватара: 05/22/2011

Язык: Английский ( родной )

Роль в Grave Designs

MysticQ была юной девушкой с огненно-рыжими волосами, когда ее захватили в плен и привезли в Египет во времена правления Рамзеса Великого. Она была родом из северных земель, переселившихся на юг после великой тьмы. Цвет волос MysticQ был редким для юга. Ее привели на рыночную площадь не как рабыню, а как будущую невесту. Многие мужчины стояли, торгуясь за северных невест. Что-то в северной крови было притягательным для них. К ней подошел мужчина с темными, пронзительными глазами и взял за руку. Он повел ее в свой дом, и его служанки стали подготавливать ее к будущим событиям. Не зная языка, MysticQ поначалу было трудно, но со временем она ему научилась. Ее одели в изысканные одежды, украсили золотом и драгоценными камнями, и отправили в храм жрецов, выдав замуж за темноглазого мужчину. Его звали Нахт - жрец погребальных храмов.

Прошло время, Нахт обучил свою жену языку и прочему, кроме того, она родила ему сына. Их великий фараон скончался, и настало время следования за ним, когда ее мужа определили в погребальные покои. Их сын был отдан на воспитание родственникам, а Mysticq и все слуги собрали вещи в доме, который находился недалеко от храмов. Они погрузили все и караван верблюдов привез их в новое место, где они отныне будут заботиться о доме Рамзеса в загробном мире. Нахт привел их в большую ритуальную комнату, где фараону готовили саркофаг для погребения. Нахт заставил Mysticq выпить из чаши, и у нее закружилась голова. В ее памяти всплыл образ мужа, который она знала, но у того, кто ее обнимал, была голова шакала. Нахт превратился в безволосого шакала, как на барельефе на стене. Он был жрецом бога Анубиса.

Mysticq awoke in her chambers in her bed. She could feel the soreness on her body, lifted her robes to see claw marks on her skin. They looked to have been weeks old, but had to of only happened the evening before. This was the day they were to seal the royal chambers of the burial temple and it was thought that they were to also die there trapped in the chambers.

Mysticq was so wrong but wept as she held their pet cat for comfort. Mysticq senses seemed more in tuned with her surroundings. She could smell like she never had before. The smell the vases of food in the room next to them that was placed stored there for them. She could smell the different scent of her husband in his Priestly robes, never understanding before what the head was that he wore when doing his prayers but remembered the same the night before only it was not the mask he wore now.

Time was hard to determine in the darkness, Mysticq’s husband came to fetch her one night and took her down the long tunnels out into the night light, she had not known there was any exit from their chambers. The moon was bright and high in the night sky. She felt faint, pain and pleasure as she believed she was dreaming but awoke to her husband again with the head of a jackal, only now his body had transformed to the dark hairless creature. She felt him rub against her realizing she was now the same creature, but she felt so strong and so in love with him. He let her know through her mind they had to go hunt for their Pharaoh and family, that this is what we together had to do. First they stopped and mated in the woods, sharing their love under the power of the moon.

They hunted in the villages and other Priests would take those we brought to them and chained the humans together, leading them to the temple tunnels. As they stepped into the darkness and the pain and pleasure she felt before brought her back to my human form only she felt the strength now run through her body and her growing belly. Mysticq’s husband Nakht took the chains off the humans and brought them down into the chambers to the ritual chamber and performed some prayers.

Nakht then lead the humans into the chamber where their Pharaoh and his family were placed in their Sarcophagus. Though their skin was an ashy gray, not olive skin as before, Pharaoh and his family were very much alive and hungry. It was like a great seduction as the Pharaoh took the hand of a young female seductively kissing her neck. Mysticq later learned he had bitten and drained the life from her. Each of his family did the same. This was our life now taking care of the afterlife with the living blood of humans.

The ritual of life continued for centuries in the chambers until the Priests no longer came to help. Mysticq and Nakht were alone in the nights hunting for humans to bring one or two at a time. It became a nightly thing for them to bring the life to their Pharaoh. The lands outside began to die and become covered with sand. The civilization that had built this and put all of them there was no more. Thieves were becoming more prevalent in the Valley of the Kings. Finding the sealed temple entrances and robbing them.. The men were looking for the great treasures that had been buried with the Pharaohs. This was where the humans learned that there were strange things that they thought were ghosts and curses to protect the dead, not knowing that they were living in the chambers of riches the un-dead.

Finally some men had reached our chambers. They found the Pharaoh's chamber during the day while he slumbered and carried out his Sarcophagus into the daylight that meant instant death for him. Nakht fought the thieves but had closed Mysticq into their chamber to protect her. They had taken a silver dagger and stabbed him. For the first time he did not recover from his wounds never changing into his jackal again, he died. She now knew this metal was death to her kind.

Mysticq’s love was gone, her home in shambles, her family gone. Her other son the another Jackal had run, She thought he was dead as he fought the thieves with his father. The un-dead now truly dead it was time for her to exit forever from the chambers. She had lived there for so many centuries to enter a world unknown. All she knew is her journey now begins heading North to the water, and maybe back to where she came from, she did not know..

The source of the breed came from Egypt was transformed into a Jackal. Her travels took her through the jungles at some point where she met a man who also was a hyena who taught her the magic of the deep dark jungles, the many things she could use in her travels. They had a son who grew and wandered off. A tribal battle happened, and her mate was killed, so she packed her things and traveled by a caravan to Alexandria. She bought a large tavern where she lived. More people came and met her could sense what she was. She became friends of a mixed family of Vampires and feline therianthropes from the East..The Therianthropes took care of the tavern during the daytime and cooked, keeping the cellars locked and safe for the vampires to slumber in. At night they worked in the brothel of the tavern and hunted for their food on the streets of Alexandria.

The mortal world grew unstable, so many centuries before the European ships would sail to the new world. Mysticq had a boat made of pitch and reed tied together with a crew to paddle, the family together started their long journey across the seas. Alexandria soon fell into the sea from an Earthquake. They journeyed for six moons. They found the lands at the mouth of the Mississippi River. The continued West to the next Atchafalaya River and sailed up into the swamps. They found a island and started to bring in mud to build it up out of the waters. Mysticq found a man in a tribe of the Attakapas, and in lust she turned him. His spirit animal was the coyote, the new world version of the Jackal she was. Their offspring became the breed of Rougarou. They spread and took other spirit animals, filling the swamps with many kinds of creatures.

They named their land Maikoda Maccon,, means man with wolf spirit. They found in the new world many spirits of animals. All the locals knew is there were very deadly creatures in the swamps to not be there during the full moon even though it was the best time to fish. Together they built a city, a tavern and continued to live there. Mysticq used the Voodoo and arts she learned in the jungles. She also used the Mystic's ways from Egypt making her a powerful Shaman of the land, the mother of the Rougarou, the blessings of the God Anubis.

The man she found in those swamps was also a creature like me his form was a coyote. Wolves do not live down in the South. Maikoda Maccon. They left when the nuclear plant on the Mississippi River, the fallout killed most in the town, except those Mysticq took to the caves. It is now the year 2156, more creatures live on her island. Her pack of Therianthropes grow in the world of Maikoda Maccon.

Rougarou No matter how you spell it, the Rougarou, Roux-Ga-Roux, Rugaroo, Rugaru, or Loup Garou is a werewolf type creature living in the folklore of Cajun French Louisiana. The story was born in France in medieval times, when they actually believed in werewolves. These stories were used to keep children in line and out of the woods.

They grew the pack and traveled a lot learning the environment they were in. She met a wonderful friend who became her Queen. Her name is Ming Xiao Clementine Wu. Together they moved the entire family to the Rise of Einherjar as my Father embraced me. Wodan Ragnarok is my Father, Ming my Sister.and Diabolic Parth as my Mother, The journey continues.