Progeny Ushers Guild

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History: The community lands of Progeny are vast and it is easy for the uninitiated to lose their way in the tunnels and never be heard from again...... To remedy this and save on costs recovering emaciated skeleton vampires, the dark diabolic powers that dwell in the depths of the lands instituted the role of Progeny Usher to those vampires of intelligence and character skilled in the greeting and guiding of those visiting the homelands of all the creatures of the night.

A role of great esteem, these Progeny Ushers are points of contact on the land and a light in the darkness......

Today: The Progeny Ushers Service has become the Progeny Usher Guild. We now serve in our historical capacity and have evolved into Mobile Teachers and Helpers. Ushers are trained to assist new vampires and Lycanthropes in the Use of Progeny, tools and Items so they may assist any who seek aid. Ushers now serve all progeny locations. Orientation Guild, Scribes Guild, Port of Entry and Progeny Castle Grounds and Heartstone Museum. Future plans include formation of the Progeny Lycanthrope Ushers Guild as we continue to evolve to serve our community better.