Roles de Progeny (Español)

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Progeny Overlords & Soporte del Sistema

La Fuente, Lachiel Vaher

Lachiel es el creador de Progeny. También es el único programador/desarrollador de la mecánica del sistema de juego.

Aperion, Oberon Eames

Oberon es el líder del equipo de desarrollo de Diabolicos, su enfoque principal es la gestión del sistema, lo que permite a La Fuente centrarse en la programación y la mecánica del sistema. El Aperion guía el juego de roles del sistema y los esfuerzos de mercadeo que se extienden para garantizar un crecimiento estable del sistema.

Diabolics Los diabólicos son demonios y no vampiros. Están fuera de la sociedad de vampiros en el sentido de que, si bien pueden optar por participar en la bebida de sangre por el placer de hacerlo, no la necesitan para sobrevivir. La sangre diabólica es venenosa para un vampiro y morder a un diabólico, u otro vampiro en presencia de un diabólico es una forma segura de suicidarse por ese Diabolico.

Fuera del contexto del juego de roles, los diabólicos son miembros del equipo de desarrollo. Cada miembro del equipo asume sus propios proyectos, desde el mantenimiento hasta el desarrollo creativo a través de actividades de inclusión comunitaria. Se anima a los miembros de Progeny a que se pongan en contacto con un Diabólico cuando tengan problemas técnicos

  • Los Diabolics sirven para garantizar la estabilidad de la comunidad y el sistema de juego en sí a través de la confianza otorgada a ellos por Lachiel y Oberon.
  • Los Diabólicos discuten activamente los temas que les llegan y que se considera que vale la pena presentar entre ellos, o colectivamente ademas de los Cambion.
  • Los Diabólicos sirven a menudo con vigilancia, observando a la Progenie de la Fuente y vigilando tanto a los transgresores de las leyes universales establecidas, como al potencial de la Progenie que han invertido en su existencia a través de esfuerzos vinculados a la comunidad de una forma u otra.

“Los Diabolicos son en parte desarrolladores de sistemas, pero también son una parte viva del sistema y su mitología". - La Fuente, 24 de febrero de 2014

Cambions Los Cambions son una extensión del equipo de desarrollo y se suman a la disponibilidad de personal para que los miembros de la comunidad se comuniquen con ellos cuando experimentan problemas. Son Diabolicos junior en la creación de La Fuente de su propia jerarquía social infernal. No obstante, merecen un nivel de respeto igual al que se le daría a cualquiera de los Diabólicos Mayores

Infernals Los infernales son seleccionados a mano por un Diabólico o un Cambion para ayudar en sus esfuerzos. Su papel no reemplaza al de nadie a menos que haya una indicación clara de que están trabajando activamente en una tarea que les ha encomendado su Patron Diabolico. Mientras ayudan a los Diabólicos, siguen siendo vampiros y dentro del redil de la comunidad. Su servicio se mantiene siempre que se justifique la necesidad de su servicio. También debe tenerse en cuenta que al aceptar una oferta de un Diabólico para convertirse en uno de sus Infernales, el individuo, si bien se señaló previamente como una extensión del Diabólico, debe ser consciente del hecho de que, a partir de ese momento, lleva y refleja la reputación tanto de ellos mismos como de su Patrón.

Estructura Politica

Niveles en La Linea de Sangre

Arch Vampires act IC (in character) as the progenitors and Elders of their Blood Line. Arches are considered the Children of the Source and bridge the gap between their Progeny and the Source and Apeiron. The role of Arch Vampire was initially intended to be apolitical, however, the development of the community and system has caused this to become a gray area.

Both IC and OOC, the Arch Vampires are charged with communicating collectively as a team by bringing up subjects to one another as well as to the Source and Diabolics. OOC they have an Arch Conclave where they can discuss these matters freely. IC and in-world they have a majestic meeting room where they interview Progeny clan applicants.

The Blood Regent is the second in command of a Blood Line and is considered the Heir to the Blood. They are chosen by the Arch of the Line to assist them in maintaining their mission associated with their Blood Line. With a long-term absence or abdication of an Arch, the Blood Regent is transitioned to Arch Vampire. While some large lines may grant the rights and privileges of Blood Regent to more than one vampire in their structure, the system only recognizes one Blood Regent officially.

Clan Level

Sovereigns and Co-Sovereigns Leaders of Clans. Sovereigns retain their independent rights to direct their Clan how they see fit, so long as it is within the confines of the Laws of the GCSC

Ambassador Second in Command of a Clan. How their role is conducted is largely independently up to the (Co-)Sovereign’s discretion. They have a right to sit and represent their Clan in the absence of their Sovereign.

Proxy Third in Command of a Clan. Likewise with the Ambassador, how a Proxy’s role is outlined is overall at the discretion of their (Co-)Sovereign(s). When neither Sovereign nor Ambassador is present, or if they wish to knowingly allow for the Proxy to represent their Clan, they are welcomed to have a seat at a GCSC meeting.

House Level

Princeps House Leader. They retain the right to independently direct their House as they see fit, so long as it is within the Laws of both the GCSC and the Clan they’re a part of. They have full access to representing their House at the Council of Houses (CoH).

Delegate Second in Command of a House. The finer details of the Delegate role is at the discretion of the Princeps. They otherwise have an inherent right to represent their House in the absence of the Princeps for the CoH.

Liaison Third in Command of a House. As mentioned with the Delegate role with details, the specific details of how it functions is at the discretion of the Princeps. If neither Princeps or Delegate is present, the Liaison may represent their House at the CoH.

Outside the Political Structure

Scribe's Guild Established in a time of need, where information was anywhere but all in one place, the Scribes Guild was established by the Diabolics, with Apeiron Oberon presiding as their Patron, to resolve the issue of fragmented information. They serve to record all GCSC and CoH meetings, as well as recording and providing the results of votes. Their secondary endeavor is to collect any information that evades the whole of the community to bring it under a single, distinguished body. Additional services do exist upon request, including the request to invite members of the community into the group as needed, as well as to document and record any events that may be requested.

Progeny Ushers Guild

History: The community lands of Progeny are vast and it is easy for the uninitiated to lose their way in the tunnels and never be heard from again...... To remedy this and save on costs recovering emaciated skeleton vampires, the dark diabolic powers that dwell in the depths of the lands instituted the role of Progeny Usher to those vampires of intelligence and character skilled in the greeting and guiding of those visiting the homelands of all the creatures of the night.

A role of great esteem, these Progeny Ushers are points of contact on the land and a light in the darkness......

Today: The Progeny Ushers Service has become the Progeny Usher Guild. We now serve in our historical capacity and have evolved into Mobile Teachers and Helpers. Ushers are trained to assist new vampires and Lycanthropes in the Use of Progeny, tools and Items so they may assist any who seek aid. Ushers now serve all progeny locations. Orientation Guild, Scribes Guild, Port of Entry and Progeny Castle Grounds and Heartstone Museum. Future plans include formation of the Progeny Lycanthrope Ushers Guild as we continue to evolve to serve our community better.

Progeny Events Guild

Progeny Orientation Guild

Progeny Ravage Guild