Sohne Von Der Nacht

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Sohne Von Der Nacht
Sohne Von Der Nacht Clan3.png
Sovereign: ἶʂἶʂ Ѕρεռςεɾ Vʌɲ Dɾʌƙє (isis.whittenstall)
Co-Sovereign: Not Assigned
Ambassador: Emmanuel Dash
Proxy: Not Assigned
History: The year 1836, we were a new Republic, and there was a lot of uncertainty. We European descendants of a select society of people of power, who did not associate with outside people were very limited. My father was looking for a way to extend his business and knew that the only way he would be looking outside. To achieve his purpose the first thing would be to find me a suitor of a good family and good capital.

It was August, midsummer and it was very hot, and the Governor of Louisiana had invited us a celebration on his plantation. The journey had been long, the air felt moist and heavy. When they arrived the chariots lined up to enter one by one. When passing the gate you can see a garden on the right side, in the middle is a Gazebo with roses around it and a bench of lovers, not far away you can see a water fountain and the statue of a child.

There is a very festive atmosphere, At the entrance the butler stopped everyone at the door for each couple to pass. The entrance was a French door with a pillar on each side. Upon entering there was a long walk and a red carpet on the sides there were pictures of family portraits. At the end of the hallway a large round room, with a very large chandelier in the middle and candlesticks around that illuminated the room full of guests. The ladies looked beautiful in their long dresses of fine silks and slats in the hair, the gentlemen very formally dressed admiring the beauty of their companions. The music group playing and the occasional dancing wrapped between laughs and talks,

We went directly to a group, one of them the Governor an older man with white hair. Slightly wrinkled skin and blue eyes, he wore all white. My father introduced first my mother and then me, the man smiled at me with a picaresque smile and winked at me, my stomach turned, suddenly I felt like I needed air, I couldn't breathe. My mother squeezed my arm as if realizing it and challenging me to stay still.

After a short chat, and enduring inappropriate gestures I wanted to go outside to get some air. I was heading to the back to go out into the garden, when suddenly a figure in the shadows near the curtains on the window caught my eye, it was a tall man, long dark hair, his white skin like milk seemed soft and thin like silk, his lips red like an apple and piercing green eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off him, I had never seen such an electrifying and beautiful figure. Who was this beautiful being, I was intrigued I wanted to meet him, when I was heading towards him, I felt a pull in the arm, it was my mother who pulling my arm I took me down the stairs to the second level, down a long hallway to one of the rooms.

Upon entering the room, it looked dark, in the middle a canopy bed with blue satin sheets and several pillows of the same color, on one side a vanity with round mirror, on the front a large wardrobe and on the other side a large window with French doors and a balcony.

My mother told me, stay here because they will come to visit me. When she told me that, I felt like a blow to the stomach, I felt weak, lost it and I told her who will come, anticipating her response I sat on the bed, and she said. "Isis, you have to understand that this is for the good of the family", "Your father has worked hard to find a good match for you, don't mess this up"... I begged her not to, or I didn't want to imagine who he could be and I didn't want to, with tears in my eyes I begged her, but she ignored me and left. locked the door behind her and walked off.

"I felt panic, a desperation of wanting to run away, I would sit in the dressing room, then in bed, start crying, walked around the room like I was crazy, and then I approach the balcony. When I saw the figure in the garden, sitting by the fountain, the anxiety I felt a moment before disappeared, I just focused on him, suddenly he looked up and I hid behind the curtain. When I looked again he was gone, he had disappeared into the darkness of the night. . 

Suddenly I heard the door open and panicked, I wanted to hide behind the closet. My mother entered with a tray with a porcelain cup, white with blue flowers, and a jug that made match, told me to relax and drink some tea. "You're not going to meet your future husband in that state, you should present yourself as what you are, a lady" I begged her crying, but she just told me to have tea and left, locking the door behind her once again.

I threw myself in bed, I didn't want to get married and even less with an old man like him, I thought why him and not the beautiful man with long hair. I don't know when I fell asleep, when I woke up I jumped from a scare, he was there next to me. "How did you get in here?" I asked in a panic, he just smiled... I quickly got out of bed and he whisper something I wasn't able to hear, but I felt relaxed, he approached me, took my face and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips, I felt like floating in the air. He said, "You called me," "me?", "You prefer me to your fiancé"... but how could he know something like that, did I say it out loud? Was he here? When did he get here?.." quiet" he took me in his arms and this time the kiss was more intense, his cold tongue penetrated my mouth voraciously, I corresponded to the kiss, I felt a chill all over my body, awakening unknown desires ... I felt his breath on my neck and a prick with an exquisite pain that reached the tip of my toes, like an ecstasy never felt .....

I woke up in an unknown place, in the distance I heard the waves from the sea hitting the stones, I was lying on a slab covered with a red very soft sheet on my skin, suddenly I felt a strong pain in my stomach and dry throat, I emitted a sound of complaint, when he appeared next to me, she bit his wrist and took it to my mouth, at first I wasn't quite sure, but the smell was tempting, seductive. I couldn't resist and started drinking, it was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted. He graciously touched my face and I fainted.

When I woke up again, it was already dark and he was sitting next to me. Very tenderly he asked, "How do you feel sweetheart?" I felt weird, "My body feels different" I said, answering his question. He smiled and said, " That's because you're new now, you have been reborn in the dark, you're a creature of the night, a vampire". And that's how my life as an immortal began...

And that's how the first member of Sohne Von Der Nacht came to be...

Greater Houses of Sohne Von Der Nacht Clan

Sohne Von Der Nacht

Sohne Von Der Nacht
Princeps: ἶʂἶʂ Ѕρεռςεɾ Vʌɲ Dɾʌƙє (isis.whittenstall)
Delegate: Emmanuel Dash
Liaison: åDåяå Vʌɲ Dɾʌƙє (elena6067)
History: TBA

ϮƉąɛℳơŋĭùℳ ȘαηgùĭηɛϮ

ϮƉąɛℳơŋĭùℳ ȘαηgùĭηɛϮ
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: ϮƁєєƖzєвυвϮ (angelesteb)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: TBA


Casa Cullen 1.png
Princeps: åDåяå Vʌɲ Dɾʌƙє (elena6067)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: cordi stratten (cordobesadeluz)
History: TBA

Reign of Onyx

Reign of Onyx
Princeps: Ѧcπμal Ɲirεηs Λմsҭral (sendby)
Delegate: тɦαтıɳɦα F. Ѵσℓтєяƴıє (thatinha07)
Liaison: Rσgєя F. Ѵσℓтєяƴıє (freitasroger)
History: TBA

†Sïträ Ahrä†

†Sïträ Ahrä†
Princeps: Șειεɴίλ ɱΘરκ ßιΘɖ (shailaconde)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: Historia de la casa: La casa Sitra Ahra fue creada por Selenia en busca de poder y así realizar su magia y concretar su venganza hacia los humanos esas criaturas inferiores que Selenia con el paso de los siglos aprendió a aborrecer.

Se creó con la autorización y el apoyo de su padre y abuelo que la adoptaron reyes del Clan Kingdom of Strong Souls. Fue formada y sus integrantes elegidos especialmente por Selenia entre humanos llego a valorar y considerar lo suficientemente buenos como para hacerlos inmortales. Cada uno destacado en lo suyo, brujería Gimena (que convirtió a Juliana y Lucrecia, las cual decidieron dejar la casa traicionando así a Selenia ) Edi una chica cyborg, experta en tecnología espionaje y otras artes muy preciadas y valoradas por Selenia. Jorge un humano que desilusionado del amor quiso convertirse en un vampiro seductor, Sam una chica al que le gusta divertirse pero su sed de inmortalidad lo llevo a admirar a Selenia y sus hermanos y querer ser como ellos, Fedora admirada por Selenia por ser wicca que fue convertida por Edi, y Luzaith otra bruja joven y rebelde con mucho potencial y perversamente divertida, oscura. Sitra Ahra es una casa en crecimiento que tiene un perfil muy particular es una casa de vampiros brujos y guerreros. Donde tanto los rituales mágicos, los conjuros, como las practicas de lucha siempre tienen lugar. Cuenta la leyenda que en el castillo de Sitra Ahra bajo la mirada cómplice de la luna, las damas de la noche realizan diferentes ritos oscuros, hacen conjuros, mientras los demás miembros de esta casa practican con sus armas. Por las noches todos abandonan sus fríos sepulcros y los cuerpos incorruptos y mortalmente bellos y subyugantes, subsisten gracias a la fuerza de los que todavía no han muerto, una fuerza que absorbe a través de su sangre, porque la sangre es vida. Deben succionar el aliento de aquellos que viven, o no podrán respirar. Deben beber su sangre, o morirán de hambre... Vagan en la noche alimentándose incesantemente de los vivos, reclutando nuevos miembros con que engrosar las horrendas filas de su estirpe maldita...Son poderosos, soberbios y malvados son Sitra Ahra del clan Kingdom of Strong Souls. También se dice que estos poderosos vampiros al reunirse cantan un himno que dice asi Árbol de incredulidad Con armonía rota en la resina. Prueba la fruta tentadora y ser un marginado del paraíso. Pasa el mar de la oscuridad a otro mundo. Acompáñame al otro lado, (el) lado nocturno del Paraíso. Sitra Ahra Besa a la reina de Qelipot, escucha la voz de las serpientes: Sitra Ahra "Pase la puerta a través de la línea, dé un paso y entre en Ayin". Sitra Ahra Pandemonio Una residencia secreta en el exilio. Construir otra casa Dios se queda atrás y ahora lo ves. Edén que estás perdiendo, una vez recuperarás. Acompáñame al otro lado, (el) lado nocturno del Paraíso. Sitra Ahra Besa a la reina de Qelipot, escucha la voz de las serpientes: Sitra Ahra "Pase la puerta a través de la línea, dé un paso y entre en Ayin". Sitra Ahra Romperás el séptimo sello Sitra Ahra (y) se desvelan todos los secretos. Sitra Ahra. Camina por el espejo hacia otro mundo. Acompáñame al otro lado, (el) lado nocturno del Paraíso. Sitra Ahra Besa a la reina de Qelipot, escucha la voz de las serpientes: Sitra Ahra "Pase la puerta a través de la línea, dé un paso y entre en Ayin". Sitra Ahra