Sophie Jeanne la Douce

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Камбион Софи

Официальный титул: Камбион

Предпочтительная форма обращения: Lady Cambion Sophie

Имя аватара: Sophie-Jeanne Władymira (SophieJeanneLaDouce)

День создания аватара: 02.04.2015г.

Язык: Английский , Французский

Роль в Grave Designs

Софи является частью креативной команды, занимающейся сценариями и строительством с 2017 года.

Примечания к ролевой игре

Кошки не летучие мыши

В ряде известных историй о вампирах упоминается способность превращаться в животных, причем летучие мыши и волки, пожалуй, самые известные.

Использование Софи кошки в ролевых играх проистекает из рассказа о вампирах Ж.С. Ле Фаню "Кармилла" 1872 года, в котором вампир Кармилла могла превращаться в большую черную кошку и проходить сквозь стены без следа.

Она шутит: "Я полагаю, что быть кошкой, которая проходит сквозь стены, происходит от того, что я слишком молода, чтобы знать, что такое поведение невозможно. "подмигивает""


Sophie incorporates her programming skill into her roleplay online as magic saying, "In a virtual world, computer code is magic. I am, therefore, a digital sorceress."

"Additionally, I'm fairly well-versed in various occult subjects (magic, witchcraft, tarot, etc.) as well as history, alchemy, folklore, dreams, psychology and political philosophy. Given that the Progeny universe has its origins in Hell, and vampires were created through the unspeakable power of Lachiel, it seems quite natural for me to include these supernatural and metaphysical elements into the roleplay world.


Some time around 1735 I was born to Acadian parents in the frontier town of Nouvelle Orléans. My father's passing was controversial, some calling it a murder and others a boating accident. My mother left on a ship back to France, leaving my sister and me with a disinterested caretaker. The convent took my sister but not myself, being undisciplined and temperamental. I passed trough several hands before fleeing into the countryside during a gale.

I took refuge in a shed full of cats, exhausted. I awoke covered in blood and weak, and the kind girl my age who lived alone took me in. Her kindness and love were not without a price, for she was a Styrian vampire in hiding and I was her unwitting blood doll.

On a moonless night I woke to infernal screams and the terrible scent of sulfur hung in the air. Though bedridden, I tried to make my way to the open door, fearing a beast made a meal of my dear friend but was met by a crone who declared I would not see my friend again.

She and her companions nursed me back to health over the next two weeks and my circumstances were revealed. The companions had pursued the vampire half way across the world from Styria, seeking to destroy her. They retained the crone for her expertise in hidden things. They declared her a powerful Moldavian witch though she referred to herself as a seeker of wisdom, unafraid to stare into those places that made clergy pale.

She insisted I be taken with them, ostensibly to ensure I would not fall into undeath after being such a long time with a vampire, but my intelligence and curiosity had convinced her that I should be mentored in the esoteric arts. I proved a formidable pupil during the years of fruitless pursuit of the vampire that preceded the death of our party’s benefactor. I followed my mentor to Europe only to witness the Reaper claim her, too.

Unsuited for civil society and reclusive, I plied my trade and somehow caught the eye of Nordic vampires who courted me for a time before accepting me as one of their own, draining me of my blood and embraced. Unfettered from time, my skills with sorcery grew until, unknown to myself, I attracted the attention of Hell.

Many romanticize being embraced by a vampire despite the horror and blood. Even the most ancient pale at the hideous process that burns the ichor of demons into a body. It pushed me over the edge and I vanished for a time.

I now ply my skills in service to Hell as the youngest cambion.