Coven of Darkraven (Renegade)

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Clan: Coven of Darkraven (Renegade)
Sovereign: єνιℓ ςнαя Dαяк (chariizma)
Sovereign: TBA)
Ambassador: TBA
Proxy: TBA
History: (Renegade Declaration, November 10, 2018)

Dark Greetings Vampires of Progeny,

After much consideration, as well as having meetings with Arch Lledge and Blood Regent Krysteen of the Ravens Claw Blood line, It is understood that we (The Coven of Darkraven) have the highest respect and admiration for them as well as the Sovereigns and those underneath them within Ravens Claw and wish none of them any harm.

With that being said, Let it be known that on this Tenth day of November in the year of our Source Two-Thousand and Eighteen... The Clan known as the Coven of Darkraven is declaring Full Renegade Status and are no longer bound by the Laws of the Grand Council of Sovereign Clans and will only abide by Diabolic Law (System Law). This choice has been made with the full support of those who are Loyal to the Coven of Darkraven.

“In every moment a choice exists. We can cling to the past or embrace the inevitability of change and allow a brighter future to unfold before us. Such an uncertain future may call for even more uncertain allies. Either way, a new day is coming whether we like it or not. The question is will you control it, or will it control you?” ~Klaus Mikaelson

King Rauthnex Nitely Darkraven and Queen Rose Nitely Darkraven

Greater Houses of Gladium Velato

Blood Wardens

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Bood Wardens.jpg
Princeps: Ϯ Ɍӑȗțɧɳёӽ Ɲȋțёlɏ Ɗӑѓҟѓӑѷёɳ Ϯ (rauth.nitely)
Delegate: Ϯ Ɍσşё Ɲȋțёlɏ Ɗӑѓҟѓӑѷёɳ Ϯ (goddesssweet)
Liaison: ϮŞӑѓӑ Ɲȋțёlɏ ƊӑѓҟѓӑѷёɳϮ (saramore85)
History: TBA

The House of CORAX

The House of CORAX
Place Holder for House Banner
Princeps: Ϯ Ŵσℓƒу Ŕӑѷёɳ Dąŗķƥąw Ϯ (7wolfy7)
Delegate: Vacant
Liaison: ϮɌӑɀɠѓȋɀ Ӈȋɠɧѡȋɳɗ ƝȋțёlɏϮ (timeinapan)
History: TBA

Immortal Masquerade

Immortal Masquerade
Immortal masqurade.png
Princeps: єνιℓ ςнαя (chariizma)
Delegate: ƘƬӇƦƠƘ Dαяк (kthrokdark)
Liaison: Ɲумѕɨє Ðαяк-Ðeaтн (natazla)
History: TBA

House of Lilith Darkmoon

House of Lilith Darkmoon
HLD logo 6-26-17.png
Princeps: Ðγℓąŋ Ð. Μσσηլϊցђτ (dylandutch)
Delegate: Vacant
Liaison: Vacant
History: TBA

Lycoris Trinity

Lycoris Trinity
Princeps: ϮȘɋȗёёӄ Ϯ Ҫȗѓӑ ƊӑѓҟѓӑѷёɳϮ (konekocura)
Delegate: ɱคzเкєєภ BεℓмσηϮ - ჩɾმνἶղ (micha.broadfoot)
Liaison: Vacant
History: TBA