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|Elegida desde su nacimiento para dar comienzo a una nueva era, la su vida nunca le ha pertenecido. La vida de la Doncella es solitaria. Jamás la tocarán. Jamás la mirarán. Jamás le hablarán. Jamás sentirá placer. Mientras espera al día de su Ascensión, preferiría estar con los guardias luchando contra el mal que se llevó a su familia que preparándose para que los dioses la encuentren lo bastante digna. Pero la elección nunca ha sido suya. Un deber… El futuro del reino entero recae sobre sus hombros, algo que ni siquiera está demasiado segura de querer para ella. Porque una Doncella tiene corazón. Y alma. Y deseo. Y cuando un guardia de ojos dorados que ha jurado asegurar su Ascensión, entra en su vida, el destino y el deber se entremezclan con el deseo y la necesidad. Él incita su ira, hace que se cuestione todo aquello en lo que cree y la tienta con lo prohibido. Un reino… Abandonado por los dioses y temido por los mortales, un reino caído está surgiendo de nuevo, decidido a recuperar lo que cree que es suyo mediante la violencia y la venganza. Y a medida que la sombra de los malditos se acerca, la línea entre lo prohibido y lo correcto se difumina. Solo está a punto de perder el corazón y ser considerada indigna por los dioses, sino que también está a punto de perder la vida cuando los ensangrentados hilos que mantienen unido su mundo empiezan a alzarse para alimentarse de la sangre de todos ellos
|Elegida desde su nacimiento para dar comienzo a una nueva era, la su vida nunca le ha pertenecido. La vida de la Doncella es solitaria. Jamás la tocarán. Jamás la mirarán. Jamás le hablarán. Jamás sentirá placer. Mientras espera al día de su Ascensión, preferiría estar con los guardias luchando contra el mal que se llevó a su familia que preparándose para que los dioses la encuentren lo bastante digna. Pero la elección nunca ha sido suya. Un deber… El futuro del reino entero recae sobre sus hombros, algo que ni siquiera está demasiado segura de querer para ella. Porque una Doncella tiene corazón. Y alma. Y deseo. Y cuando un guardia de ojos dorados que ha jurado asegurar su Ascensión, entra en su vida, el destino y el deber se entremezclan con el deseo y la necesidad. Él incita su ira, hace que se cuestione todo aquello en lo que cree y la tienta con lo prohibido. Un reino… Abandonado por los dioses y temido por los mortales, un reino caído está surgiendo de nuevo, decidido a recuperar lo que cree que es suyo mediante la violencia y la venganza. Y a medida que la sombra de los malditos se acerca, la línea entre lo prohibido y lo correcto se difumina. Solo está a punto de perder el corazón y ser considerada indigna por los dioses, sino que también está a punto de perder la vida cuando los ensangrentados hilos que mantienen unido su mundo empiezan a alzarse para alimentarse de la sangre de todos ellos
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|Zcopa25 (copa25)
|Not Assigned
|Not Assigned

Latest revision as of 10:59, 20 May 2024

Ragnarok Empire of the Night
Sovereign: ƜƠƊƛƝ ƦƛƓƝƛƦƠƘ (wodan75)
Co-Sovereign: Not Assigned
Ambassador: Not Assigned
Proxy: Not Assigned
Patron Diabolic: TBA
Political Faction: Arch Cabalist (AC)


  • It was the year of our lord 793 BC in a village called Dragur, a Small Viking tribe named Ragnarok lived. The Ruller of the tribe was called Odin and he was very loved by his people. He lived in the village with his wife Freyja and his oldest son named Wodan. Wodan also had younger siblings, two sisters, named Agnar and Manea.
  • The Village of Dragur was hidden away deep in the forest surrounded by beautiful tall mountains, flowing richly with streams and endless fields. Wodan remembers those days as a young boy, just running and feeling free, basking in the warm sun by his favorite Tree. Those days he would treasure forever. He would love to go to his favorite hiding place a beautiful field with a running stream and in the very middle of the field there was stood a great tree a great and very ancient old grand Oak. Wodan would love to swim in the cool stream then sit out basking in the sun under this grand old oak tree...........he truly loved that tree as it was not just any tree it was a very special one , over a thousand-year-old ………..and the tree could speak………….but only young Wodan could hear his voice.
  • The old tree would tell tails of old that were passed down from generation to generation, about how this forest has protected his village. But beyond the mountains it was said that it was forbidden to travel as danger and dark spirits there lived, that there were a people of darkness called the night walkers and that they were pure evil and found great pleasure in drinking the blood of humans, and that the night walkers would bring death to any that would cross their paths. Wodan would listen and smile but been such a young boy he did not worry, as he thought himself to be a strong warrior in his young mind, and could take on the world. He would laugh and cheer practicing with his sword in front of his old friend the grand old Oak. Wodan did grow into a fine and very strong berskerer warrior spending his days hunting to feed his people………... fishing in the streams catching monster size fish, ah yes life was good for Wodan in those days.
  • Then one day after a great hunt Wodan went to his favorite spot and decided to rest next to his old friend the grand old tree………...and feel into a deep sleep. A whole day had passed and he was a waking by a thunderous voice, it was the voice of his old friend telling him to run, run fast to his people they needed him now! Wodan got up and with a shock on his face picked up his sword and ran like he had never rain before………..praying to the Gods that he was not to late. And as he got closer to his village he could feel the desperation beating at him to make him run even faster, then going over a hill he then saw it……the black smoke coming from his village………..he ran faster now, screaming his father's name!
  • When he finally arrived he could not believe what he was seen………...fire was all over the village burning down everything in hits path, he ran thru the village desperate to find any survivors………..but he found none.... as the village was empty with no sign of his father, mother or any other villagers…...no one was left. He sank down to his knees and he wept there for a long time. Then he heard a sound………...it was his old friend calling to him with that thunderous voice. Wodan got up and ran back into the direction of his friend the old grand wise tree…………..The tree told him more about the night walkers and told him that they must have broken thru the magical barrier that has been in place for centuries……that he could hear the cries of his people far up and behind the great mountains………...he told Wodan to go there and find his people and save them before it was too late………...he then said to head in the direction of the tallest mountain and that he would find what he was looking for……...
  • Wodan started out on his journey determined to found out what had happened to his people he traveled for 9 days. Then he came to the foot of the mountains and saw what it was he was seeking, for there at the very top what looked to be like great holes in the mountain………..was actually caves. He started to follow the path going up the mountain walking and making is way until finally he reached the entrance of one of the caves……….he proceeded inside with a torch he had made just before entering the cave……….we was walking and searching going deeper and deeper into the cave and then he heard the voices………..voices of his people and the voice of his father! He came upon the middle of the cave and a huge room, and there we saw all the villagers and his father standing there in the middle of the great room he also saw others that he did not recognize. He ran to his father relief showing on his face……….but his father held out his hands to stop his son from coming any closer……….Wodan stopped and looked at his father………..he was different………..he looked around and saw that the others were different to……..there skin was very pale and their eyes were a deep crimson color and they had fangs……...Then he saw that his father's eyes were also that shade of crimson but not as deep as the others.......Wodan took a couple of steps back and looked at his father’s face for help……….his father just looked down to the floor and said: My son I am sorry I could not protect our people. They came and attacked us and took us prisoner and brought us here, and we have been infected, the one responsible for this is called Zuerlangennd he is the new leader of the Night Walkers. These are all that remain of the true night walkers the ones that chose not to follow Zuerlangennd and they are our friends……They are people of the night, and can never step outside into the sun and must drink blood to survive but they are not the evil ones we thought them all to be. They were ones a peaceful race living side by side with the humans far in the shadows and in secret. They would hunt at night to feed but only taking what they needed and never killing any humans. These people at one time had a very beloved king and he had a son is first born.........Zuerlangend his is name.......and he his over a 2000 years old, an ancient Vampyre with nothing but pure evil in his black heart, he has killed his father and in slaved his people, the ones that would not follow him and proclaim him their new king. And they have been here in this cave ever since.
  • Now my son we have also been infected by this great evil but have not completely and fully turned into Vampyres.
  • Wodan looked around again and cried out in a great rage and said this is not the end for any of you! Father he screamed, we shall rise up and break free of this great evil………His father looked at Wodan with great pride in his son and realized just how mush of a great warrior he had become, following in the footsteps of the great Odin himself.
  • Wodan turned and asked the Night Walkers where he could find this great ancient evil.............and they told him to go higher up into the mountain and that he would find his resting place there deep inside the very heart of the mountain.
  • Wodan waited for the next day until the sun was very high in the sky and started to make his way up to the top...........when he finally arrived it was almost dusk. He entered the cave feeling his way around the dark walls until he saw light coming from some torches he then saw the opening of a great room............he stepped in and there he found what he was looking for............Zuerlangen sitting in the middle of the room on a throne made of skulls and bones. Wodan put his hand over his nose as he was taking over by the horrible stench of great evil coming off of the ancient Vampyre. He stood over 7 feet tall, his hair was white as snow long covering his back..........his eyes were not the same shade of crimson as the Night Walker people but pure black his fangs were still dripping with blood from the blood of the corpse that was lying at his feet.
  • With a great cry, Wodan charged the ancient evil with all of his force...........Zuerlangen just raised his palm up into the air and sent Wodan flying backwords into the caves wall falling onto the cold floor with his breath knocked out of him. The ancient started to laugh at him...........licking his fangs he came and stood in front of Wodan rising to his full height and asked............and who may you be little human.............and how dare you enter my lair.............Wodan looked up at him and shouted: I am Wodan! son of odin and great grand son to Borr! and I have come here to free my people from you. Zuerlangen looked at Wodan and then with his head back he let out a laugh telling Wodan that he is ancient and can not be killed...................then Wodan heard footsteps coming from around the corner............it was his father! we watched in horror as he charged at Zuerlangen catching him by surprise.............sword in hand he slices at the ancient chest blood flowing on the floor from the tip of his sword..............Zuerlangen enraged turned to Wodan's father and grabbed him by his neck his long claw-like nails wrapped around his neck and sank his fangs deep reaping out his throat and letting his father's lifeless body drop to the ground. Wodan cried out ad cry.......... the great cry of the warriors from times passed and leaped into the air sword in hand.............going right over Zuerlangen head and with one slice cut the head right off and watched it roll to the floor shock in the eyes of the great evil one still staring at him.............Wodan landed next to the body and with a rage he plunged his hand into Zuerlangen's body and reaped out the evil one's black heart and sank his teeth and begin to eat it. Lighting crackled into the room.............lights of all kinds of color started coming out of Wodan's body...........he screamed as all of the power from the ancient Vampyre entered his body now given him the power of an ancient. Wodan ran to his father and held him in his arms and just wiped holding him tight. He then picked up the body of his father and gently carried him out of the cave making his way back down the mountain. He made his way back to his people and laid his father's body gently at his mother's feet. He then turned and shouted: let not my father die for nothing! I have killed the great evil and now have his power..............feed on me and take what I offer to you.............the blood of an ancient..............and lets created a new race of people a true race of vampyres but lets us follow a better path and learn from this great evil to never let evil loose like that ever again and to live in peace.
  • The people one by one begin to kneel in front of Wodan and chanting hail...........hail to our king.............our great king.............king Wodan!
  • And so it was Wodan and his people the night walkers went on to created a very powerful kingdom and soon other nightwalkers started to come and a great clan was formed and it was called Ragnarok Empire of the night.
  • Wodan went on to lead the great clan for over a century than one day while sitting by his old friend the great Oak he heard a noise............and out of the bushes stepped out a goddess looking female...............her hair was the shade of gold and her eyes as blue as the sky............her name was ? and right then and there he knew she would become his queen. And from there other generations were born..............and there stood a great race.............a peaceful race of Nightwalkers..............the clan Ragnarok Empire of the Night.

Greater Houses of Ragnarok Empire of the Night

The Shadows Horde

The Shadows Horde
Princeps: Rayan (oxxrayanxxo)
Delegate: Jupi (jupiter ferina)
Liaison: Rare Von Skull (Jeneest)
History: TBA


Princeps: ๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜۜ͜ζ͜͡ ℜοƀץղ Şȶαɾƀɾooƙ (robynxre)
Delegate: ๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜۜ͜ζ͜͡ ℜοɾץ Şȶαɾƀɾooƙ Ϯ (riordan.llewellyn)
Liaison: Arlena Starbrook (arlena0)
History: Travellers, The Starbrook pack of Cu Sith (Pronounced Coo Shee) plus some other beautiful magical beings, have travelled the realm, looking for a place to call home. We have settled in the clan Ragnarock Under great King Wodan, first of his line. Cu Sith originate in Scotland. The Cu Sith is a mostly malevolent faerie, it commonly takes the form of a giant spectral dog and could be found in the highlands of Scotland, preferring to live in the dense forests and make its lair in caves and rocky outcrops. It is said to be the size of a large cow or bull and is coated in deep dark green fur. Cu Sith are Therianthropic and change shape from normal looking human to their large green wolf like dog form, In between, is their anthropomorphic form, a bipedal version, often mistaken for a Werewolf and in fact very similar to a Lycanthrope. Due to the ever advancing humans and the decimation of their forests, many Cu Sith have been driven out and have taken refuge in Human Society. Many have forgotten their roots, Cu Sith like all Faerie kind are immortal, living in human civilisation, only remembering in dreams.

For a Cu Sith, to remember, to see the hidden world of the Night Walkers, some call Vampires, is to be awakened. It is then we remember that it was the Night Walkers masquerading as humans under the control of the great evil one, Zuerlangen, who drove us out of our forest home. It is after awakening, we can see those about us, those of Night Walker and Therian, We have returned, awakening our kind as other Therians across the realm are being awakened. We stand in solidarity with benign Night Walkers who also fight evil in the realm.

We join Ragnarock Empire of the Night, and King Wodan, who slew Zuerlangen, King Wodan who has been counselled by the Great Tree Faerie, King Wodan, who runs with wolves.

Hail to the Blood of Einherjar, Hail to King Wodan.

Pack of Maikoda Maccon

Pack of Maikoda Maccon
Pack of Maikoda Maccon1.png
Alpha-Princeps: Noah Claus ΜƛƇƇƠŊ ƦƛƔЄƝƧ™ (noahvickerss)
Beta-Delegate: Adogeoto Darkmoon (Adogeoto McMahon)
Theta-Liaison: Ֆђōяイÿ ςɧаţţёяßōx 7ℙђㄨ (shorty.chatterbox) Liason
History: TBA

ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏsᴇs

ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏsᴇs
Blood & Roses 1.png
Princeps: ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏsᴇs (xdreamswordsx)
Delegate: Selkis Blood And Roses (selkisblackwater)
Liaison: Kat Blood And Roses (katiana.savira)
History: Elegida desde su nacimiento para dar comienzo a una nueva era, la su vida nunca le ha pertenecido. La vida de la Doncella es solitaria. Jamás la tocarán. Jamás la mirarán. Jamás le hablarán. Jamás sentirá placer. Mientras espera al día de su Ascensión, preferiría estar con los guardias luchando contra el mal que se llevó a su familia que preparándose para que los dioses la encuentren lo bastante digna. Pero la elección nunca ha sido suya. Un deber… El futuro del reino entero recae sobre sus hombros, algo que ni siquiera está demasiado segura de querer para ella. Porque una Doncella tiene corazón. Y alma. Y deseo. Y cuando un guardia de ojos dorados que ha jurado asegurar su Ascensión, entra en su vida, el destino y el deber se entremezclan con el deseo y la necesidad. Él incita su ira, hace que se cuestione todo aquello en lo que cree y la tienta con lo prohibido. Un reino… Abandonado por los dioses y temido por los mortales, un reino caído está surgiendo de nuevo, decidido a recuperar lo que cree que es suyo mediante la violencia y la venganza. Y a medida que la sombra de los malditos se acerca, la línea entre lo prohibido y lo correcto se difumina. Solo está a punto de perder el corazón y ser considerada indigna por los dioses, sino que también está a punto de perder la vida cuando los ensangrentados hilos que mantienen unido su mundo empiezan a alzarse para alimentarse de la sangre de todos ellos


Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Zcopa25 (copa25)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: TBA