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๑۞๑ Los Vampiros de la Casa Blood of Gangrel, muy a pesar de su origen que los lleva al instinto animal, han sabido adaptarse a su ambiente gracias a su fortaleza y su poder protean para poder sobrevivir en un mundo donde lo salvaje es cada vez menos respetado. Puede haber entre ellos inclusive algún híbrido dado su acercamiento y transformaciones en animales salvajes.
๑۞๑ Los Vampiros de la Casa Blood of Gangrel, muy a pesar de su origen que los lleva al instinto animal, han sabido adaptarse a su ambiente gracias a su fortaleza y su poder protean para poder sobrevivir en un mundo donde lo salvaje es cada vez menos respetado. Puede haber entre ellos inclusive algún híbrido dado su acercamiento y transformaciones en animales salvajes.
===Twisted Flame===
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="10"|Twisted Flame
|rowspan="4"|[[File:Twisted flame House1 001.png|200px|thumb|center| ]]
|Ɲαʈɣ Fᴏʀꜱᴀᴋᴇɴ  (natasa Eel)
|Gάbriel Ɩєά Foxx-Fᴏʀꜱᴀᴋᴇɴ  (gregG2016)
|Anna Golden  (KusseSub)
|Twisted flame: is a house of vampires and witches, in unpredictability and mystery.
We faithfully follow the Forsaken Dreamfyre family and honor the tradition.
From the dragon family, we have adapted to the modern world, and unexpectedly we can be near you.
We are like a flame that we keep alive, in the dark it can warm you or charm you, we run from love but we still love.
We can charm you with our appearance and proximity, but beware of beauty, Anger is hiding.
We can change fate with our charm, pure heart and malice, and we cruelly interfere in the work of others who unfairly follow the life cycle

Revision as of 00:15, 14 May 2024

Forsaken Dreamfyre
BoA - Aysgarthian Banner 2.png
Sovereign: Aʟʏʀᴀʜ Fᴏʀꜱᴀᴋᴇɴ Lᴇᴛʜᴇcᴜꜱ (alyrah.lovelace)
Co-Sovereign: Eʀɪs Fɪᴀᴍᴍᴇᴛᴛᴀ CF Gʀɪᴍᴀʟᴅɪ (selenybouchard)
Ambassador: Ɗαмιєη SнαɗσωвƖαɗє-Ƒσяѕαкєη (damien.darkheart)
Proxy: Zafira Ryn Twistid Hunter (lilbit.bitey)
Political Faction: Arch Cabalist (AC)


It’s said that the Forsaken Dreamfyre vampire can trace their lineage to the dragons of the past, ancient beasts with lungs made of lava who prowled the lands on their massive wings.

A thousand years ago when vampirism first spread to the dragonkin, reinforcing their strong blood with the curse of bloodlust. Originating from Arch Gaven Forsaken, the Forsaken vampires were elemental dragonkin, each member of the line gifted with a tolerance and affinity for a particular element. The Dreamfyre line is matrilineal in nature, with leadership passing between mothers and daughters, sister to sister; a close-knit band of women who protect each other fiercely and whose bonds have been forged over the fires of hardship. For generations, the Dreamfyre vampires roamed the earth, lost and disenfranchised by war and bloodshed and politics, spreading across the realm and wandering aimlessly, trying to find their kin and a place to belong, a promised land that accepts their unique identity.

Even in their travels and their search for a true family, the Forsaken Dreamfyre felt out of place, unable to reconcile their identity with either vampires or the true dragons of old from which they originated from. Considered an abomination in the eyes of the true dragons who thought of vampirism a plague, they felt out of place, shamed for their origin, and pushed aside. On the other hand, vampire society was far too close knit, dragonkin being too strange in their midst. For years, the Dreamfyre had no home to call their own, no family, except for their constant quest to find others just like them – the odd ones, the misfits, the ones deluded by their identity, the ones lost and looking for a way to be found, the ones discarded and pushed aside, the ones abused and broken down. For it is in these lost souls, they could truly see and find themselves. The dragonkin magic deep in their veins sparked in strange ways when an Dreamfyre would come across a lost sister of their tribe. It’s said to be like a magnetic pull, dragonkin blood reacting to one another and creating a spark of magic of their preferred element.

And as their tribe grew, their magic melded together, and their bonds grew deeper. Dragonscourte Keep, the ancestral land for the Dreamfyre, was founded on a lonely island surrounded by rocks and ancient woods, a harsh unforgiving piece of land where waves crash against the stone and send foam flying up the air, but home, nonetheless. This little island would in time become the meeting place and shelter for lost dragonkins and would serve as a bridge between vampires and those descended from dragons. When the great war ravaged the lands, the Dreamfyre were pushed out their island and sought refuge with the clan of Ellfanore, where they were welcomed with open arms by the Sovereign Kat, a descendant of Arch Raine herself.. Rendered homeless again, the Dreamfyre vampires let lose all their anguish in the desolate battlefield, where all their elemental magic became one and razed down the ground in vicious blood-red flames. Dragonfire carried their shared pain into the battlefield, but instead of bringing about mindless destruction, a phoenix was born from it.

Greater Houses of Blood of Aysgarth Clan


Dragonscourte House2.png
Princeps: Ϯ Aʟʏʀᴀʜ Fᴏʀꜱᴀᴋᴇɴ Aʏꜱɢᴀʀᴛʜ Ϯ (stonerqueenalyrah)
Delegate: Not Assigned
Liaison: Elena Forsaken Aysgarth (Lilbit.Bitey)
History: "We cheat Death from his rightful victory.

No one can defeat us. We are glad to plunge Feet first into hell in the knowledge that we will rise."

Phoenix ridicându-se

Phoenix ridicându-se
Princeps: ℛăӱνεȵ ℵĩʂεѓΰ Ⱥƴsɠαяŧɧ (brokenangel75)
Delegate: ŞɨҚ Ⱥƴsɠαяŧɧ (sikboy.coberts)
History: TBA


Dracul Crest.png
Princeps: AʟɛӼǟռɖʀǟ Di'Ignacio Dʀǟƈʊʟ (sandrinebellerose)
Delegate: Hiroki Di'Ignacio Dʀǟƈʊʟ (danielshido)
Liaison: Cerberus Dʀǟƈʊl (hardheartblood)
History: TBA

Blood of Gangrel

Blood of Gangrel
Progeny Fangs.png
Princeps: Eʀɪs Fɪᴀᴍᴍᴇᴛᴛᴀ CF Gʀɪᴍᴀʟᴅɪ (selenybouchard)
Delegate: ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ʀ. ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢꜱᴛᴀʀ ꜱ'ᴊᴇɴɪᴀ (opheliarose.ravenhurst)
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: Motto ~ Mors Tua Vita Mia (Muerte Tuya Vida Mia)

"Of all the vampires, the Gangrel are perhaps the closest to their inner nature. These lone nomads mock the constrictions of society, preferring the comfort of wildlife. It is not known how they evade the wrath of werewolf. It may have something to do with the fact that the Gangrel themselves are shapeshifters. When a mortal talks about a vampire who turns into a wolf or a bat, he probably talks about a Gangrel. As the Brujah are fierce warriors, but unlike that clan, the Gangrel ferocity does not stem from anarchist rage, but from animal instinct. They are among the most predatory Kindred, and love to indulge in the thrill of the hunt. They deeply understand the Beast in their souls, and prefer to spend the nights in communion with the animals they imitate. In fact, they are so in tune with their Beasts that after giving in to the frenzy, animal traits often appear on their bodies. The clan as such has little contact (or interest) with the rest of the Kind. This may be due to a desire to avoid Jihad networks, but it is more likely to be simply disinterest. The Gangrel certainly have a reputation for being discreet, taciturn, and distant. Although there is no more truth in this than in any other stereotype, the clan lacks the ostentation of the Toreador or Ventrue. They are closely related to the Rom, or gypsies, adopting much of their culture and customs. Certain rumors hint that the Rom are indeed descended from the Antediluvian who founded the Gangrel clan. Therefore, these gossips say, any Kindred who hurts or Embraces a gypsy will suffer the wrath of the Elder. It seems obvious that the Ravnos ignore this mythical prohibition, and both clans have hated each other since time immemorial.

Nickname: Foreigners.

Appearance: The Gangrel's harsh non-life style and lack of interest in fashion often make them appear rough and wild. Add to this the common animal traits in the clan and it is logical that they seem fearsome. Some Kindred and mortals sometimes find predatory beauty in them, although this can lead to a dangerous misunderstanding of their intentions.

Clan Disciplines: Strength, Animalism, Protean. "

Taken from: The 13 Clans http://vampire-history.tripod.com/id14.html

๑ ۞ ๑ The Vampires of the Blood of Gangrel House, despite their origin that leads them to animal instinct, have managed to adapt to their environment thanks to their strength and protean power in order to survive in a world where the wild is every less respected. There may even be some hybrid among them given their approach and transformations into wild animals.

"De todos los vampiros, los Gangrel son quiza los que estan mas cerca de su naturaleza interior. Estos nómadas solitarios se burlan de las constricciones de la sociedad, prefiriendo la comodidad de la vida salvaje. No se sabe cómo eluden la ira de los hombres lobo; puede que tenga algo que ver con el hecho de que los propios Gangrel sean cambiaformas. Cuando un mortal habla de un vampiro que se convierte en lobo o murciélago, probablemente habla de un Gangrel. Como los Brujah son feroces guerreros, pero a diferencia de ese clan, la ferocidad Gangrel no surge de la rabia anarquista, sino del instinto animal. Estan entre los Vastagos mas depredadores, y adoran entregarse a la emoción de la caza. Comprenden profundamente a la Bestia en sus almas, y prefieren pasar las noches en comunión con los animales a los que imitan. De hecho, estan tan sintonizados con sus Bestias que tras ceder al frenesí es frecuente que aparezcan rasgos animales en sus cuerpos. El clan como tal tiene poco contacto (o interés) con el resto de la Estirpe. Esto puede deberse a un deseo de evitar las redes de la Yihad, pero es mas probable que sea simple desinterés. Ciertamente, los Gangrel tienen reputación de ser discretos, taciturnos y distantes. Aunque no hay mas verdad en esto que en cualquier otro estereotipo, el clan carece de la ostentación propia de los Toreador o Ventrue. Estan estrechamente relacionados con los Rom, o gitanos, adoptando gran parte de su cultura y costumbres. Ciertos rumores insinúan que los Rom descienden de hecho del Antediluviano que fundó el clan Gangrel. Por tanto, dicen estas habladurías, cualquier Vastago que dañe o Abrace a un gitano sufrira la ira del Anciano. Parece obvio que los Ravnos hacen caso omiso de esta mítica prohibición, y ambos clanes se odian desde tiempos inmemoriales.

Apodo: Extranjeros.

Apariencia: El duro estilo de no-vida de los Gangrel y su falta de interés por la moda suele hacerles parecer toscos y salvajes. Suma a esto los rasgos animales comunes en el clan y es lógico que parezcan temibles. Algunos Vastagos y mortales encuentran a veces una belleza depredadora en ellos, aunque esto puede llevar a malinterpretar peligrosamente sus intenciones.

Disciplinas del Clan: Fortaleza, Animalismo, Protean."

Tomado de: Los 13 Clanes http://vampire-history.tripod.com/id14.html

๑۞๑ Los Vampiros de la Casa Blood of Gangrel, muy a pesar de su origen que los lleva al instinto animal, han sabido adaptarse a su ambiente gracias a su fortaleza y su poder protean para poder sobrevivir en un mundo donde lo salvaje es cada vez menos respetado. Puede haber entre ellos inclusive algún híbrido dado su acercamiento y transformaciones en animales salvajes.

Twisted Flame

Twisted Flame
Twisted flame House1 001.png
Princeps: Ɲαʈɣ Fᴏʀꜱᴀᴋᴇɴ (natasa Eel)
Delegate: Gάbriel Ɩєά Foxx-Fᴏʀꜱᴀᴋᴇɴ (gregG2016)
Liaison: Anna Golden (KusseSub)
History: Twisted flame: is a house of vampires and witches, in unpredictability and mystery.

We faithfully follow the Forsaken Dreamfyre family and honor the tradition. From the dragon family, we have adapted to the modern world, and unexpectedly we can be near you. We are like a flame that we keep alive, in the dark it can warm you or charm you, we run from love but we still love. We can charm you with our appearance and proximity, but beware of beauty, Anger is hiding. We can change fate with our charm, pure heart and malice, and we cruelly interfere in the work of others who unfairly follow the life cycle