Tzimisce (EoVS)

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Tzimisce Clan1.png
Sovereign: Ⱥɳgélîkα Ƶαntỡsα Ƭƶiɱişcɛ (isabell124)
Co Sovereign: Ɲεмεѕiѕ εlαn Λяcαδiαη Ƭƶiɱişcɛ (crissthie)
Ambassador: Śαℓεm Ğяαυ Ƭƶiɱişcε (lucibtt)
Proxy: Jessica Lively (jessicalive1)
Status Tag: Enemy of Vampire Society - EoVS


The Tzimisce are scholars and flesh-shapers. If someone were to call a Tzimisce inhuman and sadistic, the Tzimisce would probably commend them for their perspicacity, and then demonstrate that their mortal definition of sadism was laughably inadequate. The Tzimisce have left the human condition behind gladly, and now focus on transcending the limitations of the vampiric state.

From the Carpathians we come, our precious blood flows in our vanes for 2 millenia now, we seek perfection, we believe in Gehenna... We think human body is mere startin object to begin with. Some call us monsters, twisted creatures but yet those dont see and appreciate true art of flesh. We are scholars, intelligent, kind, polite, diplomatic at times but we are also cruel, sadistic and non compromisable aggressive vampires who prefers to be hunters. We prefer feeding on vampire blood as we taste the difference compared to feeding on mortals, is way much better and it takes us closer to perfection, our so called enlighten. Are you enlightened yet?

Greater Houses of Tzimisce Clan


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Princeps: Ⱥɳgélîkα Ƶαntỡsα Ƭƶiɱişcɛ (isabell124)
Delegate: Ɲεмεѕiѕ εlαn Λяcαδiαη Ƭƶiɱişcɛ (crissthie)
Liaison: AKỡshα Ƶαntỡsα (nakase)
History: The Zantosa may claim descent from founding members of clan Tzimisce. Consisted of elders warriors which put their lives and loyalty in exchange for ability to create this clan. Members of Zantosa family, also called protectors of clan Tzimisce are ominous hunters which holds their protection hand above those who promised loyalty to clan Tzimisce. Hunting other lines became their occasional entertainment usually taken also as act of fearlessness and braveness..

Originally known as the Szantovich, the family was highly regarded and well-trusted. Known for its abundance of wealth and inclination towards cruelty, the family rose to power and held on to it until the Tzimisce clan collapsed during the Omen War. The Zantosa family quickly shifted its support to the Anarchs and, later, to the Sabbat. These Ghouls spread throughout the rest of Europe and provided the Sabbat with information on the activities of the Camarilla.

Today, most Zantosa are hedonists. Some are world travelers living the good life, while others are involved in the drug industry and slavery. However, Zantosas harbour a grave secret involving the Tzimisce Antediluvian... if this were discovered, the family would find itself at odds with the sect that continues to support it.

Dɾαȥɠҽƚԋ Cσʋҽɳ

Dɾαȥɠҽƚԋ Cσʋҽɳ
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Princeps: Śαℓεm Ƭƶiɱişcε (lucibtt)
Delegate: ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴇʀᴄʏ (chichita.shilling)
Liaison: ʟᴇᴍᴏɴ (thedevil1992)
History: In the small town of Salem, rumors swirled about the existence of witches who practiced dark magic. These rumors attracted the attention of the vampires of the Tzimisce clan, who were fascinated by the potential power of the witches.

One night, a group of Tzimisce vampires arrived in Salem, drawn by the dark energy emanating from the witches. The vampires were powerful and ancient creatures, with the ability to shape-shift their bodies in horrifying ways.

The witches sensed the presence of the vampires and were initially wary of their intentions. But the vampires offered to teach the witches the secrets of their own dark powers, and the witches saw an opportunity to increase their own strength and knowledge.

The witches and vampires formed an alliance, each learning from the other's unique abilities. The witches taught the vampires the art of blood magic, while the vampires showed the witches how to manipulate the flesh and bone of their bodies.

As the witches and vampires worked together, they became stronger and more powerful than ever before. But their alliance was not without its complications.

The witches used their magic to summon ancient and powerful beings to aid them in the battle. The Tzimisce vampires, meanwhile, used their shape-shifting abilities to create terrifying and deadly monsters.

In the end, the battle was brutal and bloody. Many lives were lost, both witch and vampire alike. But in the aftermath, a truce was finally reached.

The witches and vampires realized that their true strength lay in their ability to work together, and they vowed to never let their differences lead to such destruction again. From that day forward, the witches and vampires of Salem continued to practice their dark arts, united in their quest for power and knowledge.

Ḣǿuşɛ ǿf Ṽykǿş

Ḣǿuşɛ ǿf Ṽykǿş
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Princeps: Ϯ Lɛx Ƭƶiɱişcɛ Sɛяạρнιηạẹ Ϯ (lex.firehart)
Delegate: MɛƖisą Ṽykǿş Ƭƶiɱişcɛ (mellisau)
Liaison: Aɓz Ƭƶiɱişcɛ Fiɾeɧɑɾt (abz.firehart)
History: The House of Vykos is a one of the houses in the vampire clan Tzimisce.

They believe and live on the standards of the great vampire Lord Sascha Vykos aka Myca Vykos.

This androgynous character – a Noddist scholar, Tzimisce scientist and Cainite monster – has long been a staunch supporter of Sabbat freedom, and act as its chief torturer.

A musician with a scalpel, Sascha understands the nuances of every physical sensation and the nerves best suited to receive its ministrations. They are also a creature of learning, with a collection of books and artifacts to humble the halls of all academia.

Sascha's enemies, including the Gangrel Beckett and the Malkavian Anatole, believe they hold cult-status within the Sabbat, wherein sect members emulates their actions. In truth, however, Sascha is a monster beyond their own years. Few could ever understand the grand schemes of the Sabbat's ronin priscus.

Sascha Vykos, named Myca Vykos in the years before their self-inflicted castration, lived an enviable existence in the glorious Byzantine Empire. Born to royalty in the Carpathians before the turn of the first millennium, Myca seemed destined for greatness from a young age. As a child, their fits and visions brought them to the attention of House Tremere within the Order of Hermes. They learned the basics of spellcraft and proved such an adept student that they inspired jealousy in the magus Goratrix.

Myca was Embraced by the Draconian Tzimisce Symeon, whose line was enemies with the Carpathian Tzimisce. Eventually, both returned to Constantinople. The great books of Alexandria became Myca's silent teachers while the political juggernauts within the Byzantine courts taught them the subtleties of influence. Myca became a member of the Dream Circle to expand their thaumaturgical knowledge and worked closely with the Keeper of the Faith, but still maintained correspondence with other Tzimisce from the Carpathian line, like Lugoj and Velya, and worked with the Children of Judas for their own ambitions. Like the other Cainites of the city, however, Myca became enamored with the Toreador Michael and the methuselah's delusions of divinity. While loyal to their sire, they were greatly dismissive of their grandsire, for having taken their sire's love from them and for installing numerous restrictive rules for the use of Vicissitude in the service of the Divinity Within. Myca fanned the discontent within their sire's heart against their brother, hoping to drive a wedge between them that would drive Symeon away from the city. In secret, Myca planned to prepare to leave the city behind.

The young Tzimisce had the memories of this event plucked away by their sire soon after it occurred, but they eventually remembered the episode moments before they had a bizarre encounter with another member of the Trinity who used to rule Constantinople, the true Dracon. Inside an Obertus monastery in the outskirts of Brașov, Myca's lover, Ilias cel Frumos became an avatar of the Tzimisce Antediluvian and consumed the essence of his childe, Dracon. He then proceeded to rape Vykos, impregnating the young Tzimisce's flesh, blood, and his very soul with the essence of the Dracon.

After this event Vykos changed drastically. They began to carry out the dreams of both Michael and the Dracon, crafting a living empire of flesh rather than stone. Their city was to be a community of Cainites founded on pillars of blood and bone.

Belial’s Brood

Belial’s Brood
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Princeps: Ϯ ⵟnƶợ Ƀĕʟĭᴀʟ Ƭƶiɱişcɛ ψ (ifric)
Delegate: Ϯ Fαɮια Ƀⵟʟĭᴀʟ Ƭƶiɱişcɛ ψ (visceraanomalia)
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: Belial’s Brood is another of the cults in the Tzimisce clan. They are characterized by a thirst of chaos and the word “hell” follows them.

Belial’s followers believe in, venerate, call upon, and yes, sometimes even worship what appear to be genuine demons. The traditions, convention, the customs of ages, mean nothing to these anarchistic and, quite literally, hell-bent Kindred. Belial is a powerful demon who has many names, but represents mainly arrogance and pride. Just as Lucifer, in times of yore, he used to be an angel. In certain versions of the christian bible they believe it could be him, or also Lucifer’s father. Belial is also the patron of secrets, domination, and seduction. He is a profane being, reveling in the pleasures and pains of the flesh.

Vampires from all walks of life join the Brood. The Brood does not Embrace. Every kindred who calls himself a member can be traced back to a familiar sire. Everyone has come from some other Sect or Covenant. It’s as if sometimes the beast just calls to be set free, and every once in a while a kindred listens. Follow their instincts right into the teachings of Belial.

The two prophets of the cult: Enzo & Fabia, are driven by this pride, and pulls them into founding this veneration, with the only purpose of bringing divine service to their destructive adoration. The solid feeling of self-gratification is enormous, and the wish of wanting to bring more adepts just makes this group extend faster with the sound of sand extending in the bottom of the clock. Under Belial’s powers, they will create the greatest assembly of death bringers.

The Devil? No. I'm not him. Think of me as the president. He's the chairman. And trust me: you don't ever want to meet the chairman.

~ Belial

House of Belladonna

House of Belladonna
House of Belladonna2.png
Princeps: Ƙυρӄąӄɛ Ɓєἶἶαɗσηηα Ɓαἶσя (khaotickupkake)
Delegate: Oρḧєℓɨα Ƈαє Ɓєἶἶαɗσηηα Ɓαἶσя (ophelia.blackwood)
Liaison: Bulgasal Shepherd (bulgasal)
History: TBA


Lunatic House Logo2.png
Princeps: Ɗяακση Lυηατic Ƭƶiɱişcɛ (mrdrakon7)
Delegate: Ƙɑʈƴɑ Iɔlɑŋʈẖɛ Ƭƶiɱişcɛ (belladonna.nebula)
Liaison: Not Assigned
History: Lunatic: The Warriors of the Eternal Moon

In the vast expanse of the night, there exists a family of nomadic and warrior vampires whose name inspires fear and respect: the Lunatic. Their story is an epic tale of power, struggle, and a mystical connection with the moon.

Centuries ago, when humanity was just beginning to understand the secrets of the world, an ancient clan of warriors was both blessed and cursed by the moon itself. This clan had defended their lands from invaders with unparalleled strength and ferocity. However, on a full moon night, their leader was gravely wounded, and his life hung by a thread.

Desperate to save their leader, the clan sought out an ancient witch who lived deep in the forest. The witch, driven by a mysterious purpose, offered them a deal: immortality and the power of the moon in exchange for their humanity. Without hesitation, they accepted the deal. The witch performed a ritual under the light of the full moon, transferring celestial power to the clan, transforming them into immortal vampires.

Since then, the Lunatic draw their strength and vitality from the moon. Every full moon, they gather to perform an ancient ritual that renews their powers and keeps them young and strong. This ritual, known as the Lunar Blessing, involves a series of ceremonial combats and a communion with the moonlight, infusing their bodies with supernatural energy.

As nomads, the Lunatic travel constantly, avoiding settling in one place for too long. Their skills as warriors and their connection to the moon make them invincible in combat, and their errant lifestyle allows them to evade those who seek to hunt them. Though they move in the shadows, they always find a place under the moonlight, their guide and source of power.

The Lunatic family is known for their rigid codes of honor and for protecting their own at any cost. Its members are trained from a young age in the art of war and lunar rituals, ensuring that each generation is prepared to keep the clan's legacy alive.

However, the curse of the moon also has its dark side. The Lunatic are condemned to live in an eternal struggle, unable to find peace or rest. The moon, while giving them power, also keeps them trapped in a cycle of endless war and survival.

The Lunatic, warriors of the eternal moon, continue their path under the nocturnal mantle, whispering stories of glory and tragedy as they seek new challenges and fiercely defend their legacy.