Progeny GCSC Laws (English)
All GCSC laws dating back to the beginning of time can be found at the Progeny Scribes guild
Council Rules
To maximize the efficiency of these council proceedings, please observe the following procedures for:
Attendance at Council Meetings:
❇ Due to limited seating in the council chambers, only one representative from each House will be allowed to sit at the council benches. All other members will observe from the balcony. This rule applies even if it is a low-attendance meeting.
Being Heard at Council Meetings:
❇ The Chair is the absolute authority on who may or may not speak in the course of conducting the meeting.
❇ If a Council member wishes to speak, they should add their name to the speaker's list or raise their hand if the list is not functioning. The Chair will call on council members in the order in which they are seen.
❇ All members sitting should have been present for roll call to speak or have presented themselves to the scribe to be added to the attendance roll in order to speak or to participate in the meeting procedures.
❇ All comments must always be directed to the Chair. The council members must not address questions or comments towards one another. If a member of the council addresses someone other than the Chair, they will be warned. Multiple transgressions may result in ejection from the meeting.
❇ Members who are observing from the balcony should remain quiet and not interfere with the council proceedings. Disruptions from the balcony will not be tolerated except at the discretion of the Chair.
Behavior at Council Meetings:
❇ Any behavior which is deemed to be impolite or disrespectful to the Chair or members of the council will result in the Chair issuing a warning. After three warnings (or any number of warnings at the chair's discretion) the Chair will request from the Knights (if present ) and or Diabolic(s) present if needed that the offending individual or individuals be removed from the chamber.
❇ Appropriate small talk and small gestures of assent or dissent are allowed as long as they do not becoming distracting. However disruptive or inappropriate talk could result in punitive actions.
Feli Church Darkfire 🕇 ƝЄƇƦƠƤƠԼƖƧ 🕇 Sovereign
Motion passed August 3rd of 2024, 24 Aye to 1 Nay
Resolution 1 - Freedom of Religion
We the Grand Council of Sovereign Clans (GCSC) will make no law prohibiting the freedom of religion or the free practicing whereof. COH vote - No Vote as GCSC already voted to retain GCSC vote - retain as is (6/15/2014)
Resolution 2 - Freedom of Speech
We the Grand Council of Sovereign Clans (GCSC) will make no law prohibiting the freedom of Speech, includes and not limited to freedom of written word. Which laws contained hereafter will only pertain to the harm of one’s Character or reputation. COH vote - No Vote as GCSC already voted to retain GCSC vote - retain as is (6/15/2014)
Resolution 3 - Protection
“We, the Great Council of Sovereign Clans (GCSC), have a responsibility to provide protection at workplace against abusive attacks, except for those perpetrated after a formal declaration of war. An abusive attack on someone at their workplace refers to any bite in a situation where the attacked person has a dependency on employment through the respective identification of the group tag of the corresponding establishment where they are performing work. If the attacked vampire is not honest in their claim to have been working at the time of the attack, it will also be considered a violation of this resolution.”
Amended on 04/17/2021 26 Votes to amend 86% 4 votes against 13%
Resolution 4 - Due Process
We the Vampires of Progeny have the right of due process. In all prosecutions brought forth we have the right of a speedy and public trial or other form of mediation in accordance with the Grave Designs standards, with impartial Judges and the right of Counsel of choice. COH vote - retain as is (6/22/2014) GCSC vote - retain as is (04/18/2015)
Up for re-vote Quorum not met 05/23/2015
GCSC vote to Retain on 05/30/2015
Resolution 5 - Fair Punishment
We the Vampires of Progeny have Right of Fair Punishment within the law of Progeny and furthermore that the punishment fits the crime committed. COH vote - retain as is (7/6/2014) GCSC votes to retain as is - 7/13/2014
Resolution 6 - Freedom of Choice
We the Vampires of Progeny have the right to go outcast if we so wish to leave our current home. We have the Right to then be informed of the official consequences of leaving as designated from Grave Designs. We also have the right to choose a place should we wish. COH vote - Rewrite (7/6/2014) GCSC vote - retain as is (8/10/2014)
● Law 2 - Inciting cross bloodlines war
Rewritten and amended to read: Clans and houses may develop their own policies as to war and peace, but only the arch of a bloodline or blood regent may declare a bloodlines war. Clan sovereigns or house leaders may develop their own policies on war and peace, but they may not invoke the name of the bloodline, as this is the sole province of the arch or blood regent. GCSC vote - Keep the Rewrite (10/18/2014)
● Law 3 - Defamation of Character
It shall be unlawful to intentionally false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person. ▶ ▷ COH vote - Repeal (7/20/2014) ▶ ▷ GCSC voted to retain on 01/25/2015
● Law 4 - Interference in the Sovereignty of other houses or clans
Let it be written that Thy Domain is thine own concern. To all outsiders owe thee respect while within it. No outsider may challenge thy word while within thy domain. COH vote - Rewrite (8/3/2014) GCSC voted to retain 04/18/2015
Up for re-vote Quorum not met 05/23/2015
GCSC Vote to Retain on 05/30/2015
● Law 5 - Fraud
There will be no intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another. COH vote - Repeal (8/3/2014) GCSC vote - Voted to retain from the voting machine in world 10/18/14
● Law 6 - Public Disorder
Let it be written that all are free to role play as they see fit. However, it will not be tolerated to intentionally attempt to sway a person’s creative style with excessive drama or off color statements. COH vote - Repeal (8/17/2014) GCSC vote - Voted to retain from the voting machine in world 10/18/14
● Law 7 - Treason/High Treason
Thy will not attempt by acts to overthrow the leadership of one’s House/Clan which they owe their allegiance. Unless the leader has been absent for more than 60 days. One has the right to change their allegiance without the attempt to overthrow. COH vote - Repeal (8/17/2014) GCSC vote - Retain 04/18/2015 Up for re-vote Quorum not met 05/23/2015 GCSC Vote to Retain on 05/30/2015
● Law 9 - Repeat Offenders
Let it be written that repeat offenses can and will incur harsher penalties. COH vote - Repeal Law & Rewrite Resolution 5 (9/27/2014) GCSC vote - Retain (10/18/2014)
● Law 11 - Theft
There shall not be any trickery of another to influence the payment of Linden for the opportunity of being embraced into Progeny as it is a free system. COH vote GCSC vote - Retain 14 Jan 2015
● Law 12 - Abuse of Judicial Powers
It is herein written that no Judge or Lawyer in the court system will be above the law as all are created equal and will be judged fairly. COH vote GCSC vote - Retain Jan 22,2015
● Law 15 - Creating and using "alts"
It shall be unlawful to create and use alts with the intent of causing harm to a person or property. COH vote GCSC vote - Retain - 14 Jan 2015
● Law 16. Threats of Bodily Harm
There will be no threats of bodily harm within a house or clan for changing loyalty within the System. COH vote GCSC vote - Retain 14 Jan 2015
● Law 19. Abuse of Power
Abuse of power by any player, especially House and Clan leaders is strictly prohibited COH Tied 9 Aye 9 Nay 4 abstain GCSC voted to retain 01/25/2015
Attendance rules For Progeny events
Attendance Rules are as follows:
* Only those with the gift given by Lachiel, who are not in a coma, slain or in hibernation, may attend the meetings, whether they be the Council of Houses (CoH) or the Grand Council of Sovereign Clans (GCSC) meetings. * Only those who are leaders and/or officers within their respective house or clan may be seated at the council table during meetings. Other officers may not sit at the table if the head of house or clan is present and seated, and must go to the balcony. If the leader is unavailable or wishes their officer to take their seat, then the appropriate officer may take the seat while all others remain in the balcony. * If a house/clan leader wishes the use of a familiar as their scribe, the familiar shall remain in the balcony and the leader must obtain permission from the councils to allow the familiar. * All Official Progeny events do allow others amongst us so as to provide more fun and enjoyment.
COH Votes the rewrite to pass on to the GCSC GCSC Vote to retain on 05/16/2015
Reaching a Quorum on the website
Ballots that do not reach quorum that they are resubmitted for a second period. IF after that two period they do not reach a quorum (51% of current clan count at time of ballot call) the law is returned to the GCSC for review.
GCSC in the Ballot box on 05/04/2015 Voted to RETAIN on 05/16/2015
● An Act to Restore Leadership to Abandoned Clans by Arch ZoeBlue Braveheart.
1. Leaders who need to step away from their clan should be required to submit a letter of intent that clearly states why they need to be away and how long they anticipate being gone. A reasonable amount of time for how long a leader can be missing should be developed. A suggestion that a 3-month period for the absence of a clan or house leader. If, at the end of that period the leader continues to need to be away AND can communicate this with solid evidence to support his or her need, the period may be extended.
2. Leaders who go missing without communicating their absence should have a shorter defined period of time that they can be gone a shorter period because it would be a demonstration of a lack of responsibility to go without warning. Perhaps a period of 2 months.
3. Once the defined time period has passed, the current ruling leader should be allowed to petition the Judicial Court for permission to take over the group. All appropriate procedures and evidence would be submitted to the court for review.
4. A currently reigning leader of a clan (or potentially an alternate defined by the clan as a whole) who wishes to take over in the absence of its original leader should not be viewed as trying to take over the group with hostility, but instead, with concern and leadership for their people. If defined criteria have been met, the charter for the clan should go to the petitioning leader.
An Act to Restore Leadership to Abandoned Clans - As proposed by Arch ZoeBlue Braveheart - Yea 7 - Nay 4 - Abstain 2 - QUORUM REACHED - BILL PASSED 16 Feb 2013
======================================================================== Previous GCSC Laws
● Law 1 - Slaying a player in a no-bite zone
Guilty party willfully and knowingly violates PV rule by slaying a player in a no-bite zone on the PV sim. The Source established a precedent for the punishment. Violators shall be permanently banned from the Progeny SIM, and Source Slain for 40 Days. COH vote - retain as is (7/20/2014) GCSC vote - retain as is (8/24/2014)
05/01/2021 results on voting regarding the Motion presented by Lord ƁαƁʋ ԑւᶑrլեcի îммσятαℓî (mrbabu.szpringer) to remove Law 1, which passes with 24 clans in favor, 9 clans against and the rest abstained.
Resolution 3 - Protection We the Vampires of Progeny have the right of protection from abusive attacks with exception of Rogues, Outcasts and Enemy of the State (EOS), without a formal declaration of war, Including both personal attack and destruction of property.
COH vote - Rewrite (6/22/2014) GCSC vote - retain as is (7/27/2014) Amendment to Resolution #3 Abusive attacks are defined as: 1. Any attack in someones private Residence or Private club (not open to the public) or at a players place of employment (but only while they are working not just hanging out ). 2. Where a Progeny role player has an expectation of privacy. 3. Attacks consist of any form of attack to harass or bite another Progeny player.
Non abusive attacks would be any Progeny based attack to include but not limited to bites, claws or weapons used by the Grave Designs team to add to the overall Progeny role play experience. These attacks could be carried out on any sim open to the public excluding the Progeny sim and with the exception of any private sim where you don't have permission to carry out such attacks in writing from the sim owner or parcel owner.
We role play creatures that by nature are violent. While out and about Second Life you run the risk of being attacked.
- History**
GCSC Vote results Revealed at 10/17/2015 GCSC YES 11 57.9% NO 6 31.6% ABSTAIN 1 5.3% Moderator (Abstain) 1 5.3% GCSC Vote results Revealed at 02/07/2021 GCSC Repeal 14 26 % Retain 25 47 % Rewrite 14 26 %
COH vote - Rewrite (6/22/2014) GCSC vote - retain as is (7/27/2014)
Resolution 7 - Renegade Clans
It is the sovereign right of any clan to declare themselves as renegades. However, if a clan chooses to be outside the GCSC law that clan is sanctioned with the following:
- No Scribe service (notices) - No Access to an Arch - No voice in the council (votes) - No Access to Diabolics with the exception of a Technical issue
While the seat on the GCSC is every clan's sovereign right. Their voices will not be heard. Without a voice they will not be allowed to chair any council functions. Either in the GCSC or and sub-committee appointed by the GCSC. To regain their voice in the council and remove all sanctions, they must petition the council for a vote to be allowed to re-enter and declare their loyalty to the Grand Council of Sovereign Clans
History Repealed by the Aperion Nov 2020
● Law 2 - Inciting cross bloodlines war
Individuals will not incite a cross- bloodline war. Wars will not be declared without the consent and formal declaration from the Bloodlines Arch or second in their absence. COH vote - Rewrite with "individuals will not incite" changed to read "an individual cannot declare" (7/20/2014)
GCSC votes to rewrite - 8/24/2014
● Law 3 - Defamation of Character **Repealed** 10/04/2014
It shall be unlawful to intentionally false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person. COH vote - Repeal (7/20/2014) GCSC voted to Repeal on 10/04/2014 ● Law 8 - Slaying of a Fledgling
No Fledgling may be attacked or slain unless said Fledgling first attacks or bites another vampire. COH vote - Rewrite (9/14/2014) GCSC vote to retain this rewrite as revealed on 02/21/2015
● Law 10 - Potency Crimes **REPEALED** 05/16/2015
There shall be no intentional killing of another for the purpose of loss of one’s Potency. There also will be no theft of potency stones on display or on borrow. COH vote - Voted to Repeal 03/28/2015
* GCSC vote Repeal 05/16/2015
In the Ballot box 05/03/2015
● Law 13 - Sexual Harassment ***REPEALED*** 05/30/2015
As defined Sexual Harassment is an unwanted, unwelcome sexual advance or the inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. It shall be in open chat in a role play scenario. Sexual Harassment will be enforced only if the party being harassed role plays that the advance was unwelcome and only if the harassment is continued. COH voted rewrite GCSC in ballot box 05/17/2015 GCSC Repealed on 05/30/2015
● Law 14 - Poaching **REPEALED** 05/16/2015
There will not socialize or encourage in order to appropriate or remove another person. Offering advice and informing one of options within is "NOT" defined as poaching.
COH vote GCSC vote - Vote Tied 14 Jan 2015 Returned to Ballot box on 05/04/2015 GCSC Vote to repeal on 05/16/2015
● Law 17. Use of Magic Tools (HUDS) Now Diabolic law
The use of outside Magic Tools is considered unlawful as such tools may offer an unfair advantage. Bite on Bite is not only your offense but also your defense. COH vote GCSC vote - pending ballot box results - 11/29/2014
*Currently bogged down in both COH and GCSC pending Diabolic decision
● Law 18. Coercion **Repealed**
It is unlawful to coerce someone to do something against their will by the use of force or threats. COH voted to Repeal 11/03/2014 GCSC vote - Repeal 14 Jan 2015